80-CPTRT-E01 Alpco 80-CPTRT-E01 大鼠C-肽ELISA檢測試劑盒,10µl,96孔
- 公司名稱 重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司
- 品牌 ALPCO
- 型號 80-CPTRT-E01
- 產地 美國Alpco公司
- 廠商性質 代理商
- 更新時間 2016/12/25 6:55:35
- 訪問次數 2931
聯系方式:顏先生15021010459 查看聯系方式
產品英文名稱:Rat C-peptide ELISA Kit
§ 檢測原理:ALPCO 大鼠C-肽 ELISA設計用于檢測大鼠血清中C-肽含量。ALPCO大鼠C-肽ELISA是一個夾層式免疫分析試劑盒。96孔微型板涂有一層C-肽特異性單克隆抗體。檢測分析使用有機合成C-肽蛋白分子量標定。將標準品,對照物和樣品加到孔中和配體物混合。后放微孔板搖床上溫育,700-900rpm。*次溫育結束,用清洗緩沖液清洗小孔并吸干。加TMB作用底物,第二次溫育,700-900rpm。第二次溫育完成,加終止液,調節分光光度計到450nm測定光密度(O.D.)。由于光密度與樣品中C-肽含量成比例,所以可以根據O.D.值計算出C-肽含量。
§ 檢測過程:提前從冰箱中取出試劑盒,平衡至室溫→各移取10µl標準品,對照品和樣品到每個小孔中→移取100µl結合物到每孔中(配制方法參照說明書)→密封微孔板,放在微孔板搖床上室溫溫育2小時,700-900rpm→清空小孔,350µl清洗緩沖液清洗三次(每次清洗具體方法不一樣,參照說明書)→每孔添加100µlTMB作用底物→密封微孔板,放在微孔板搖床上室溫溫育10分鐘,700-900rpm→每孔添加100µl反應終止液,輕搖混合,清除氣泡再準備下一步操作→放在微孔板讀數器,調節分光光度計到450nm讀數(30分鐘內)
ALPCO RAT C-peptide ELISA kit英文簡述:
The ALPCO Rat C-peptide ELISA kit quantifies the C-peptide protein products of the rat I and rat II proinsulin genes. Utilizing a dual-monoclonal antibody sandwich format, bi-level control set, and 96-well microplate comprising removable strips, a single Rat C-peptide ELISA kit has the performance characteristics and flexibility necessary to confidently measure up to 40 samples in duplicate. The shelf-life of the components and the resealable microplate pouch allow for convenient storage for future use if the entire kit is not needed at one time.
產品名稱 | 貨號 | 樣本容量 | 規格 |
Insulin ELISA | 80-INSHU-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin Ultrasensitive ELISA | 80-INSHUU-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Synthetic) ELISA | 80-SINHU-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Mouse) ELISA | 80-INSMS-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Mouse) High Range ELISA | 80-INSMSH-E01 | 5µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Mouse) Ultrasensitive ELISA(5µl) | 80-INSMSU-E01 | 5µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Mouse) Ultrasensitive ELISA(25µl) | 80-INSMSU-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Rat) ELISA | 80-INSRT-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Rat) High Range ELISA | 80-INSRTH-E01 | 5µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Rat) Ultrasensitive ELISA(5µl) | 80-INSRTU-E01 | 5µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Rat) Ultrasensitive ELISA(25µl) | 80-INSRTU-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Bovine) ELISA | 80-INSBO-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Ovine) ELISA | 80-INSOV-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
Insulin (Porcine/Canine) ELISA | 80-INSPO-E01 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
C-Peptide ELISA | 80-CPTHU-E01.1 | 25µl | 96T/盒 |
C-Peptide (Mouse) ELISA | 80-CPTMS-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |
C-Peptide (Rat) ELISA | 80-CPTRT-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |
Proinsulin (Mouse) ELISA | 80-PINMS-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |
Proinsulin ELISA | 80-PINHU-E01 | 50µl | 96T/盒 |
Proinsulin (Rat) ELISA | 80-PINRT-E01 | 10µl | 96T/盒 |