LUYOR-6803 熒光檢漏儀
- 公司名稱 蘇州圣光儀器有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號 LUYOR-6803
- 產地 國產
- 廠商性質 經銷商
- 更新時間 2024/7/8 20:23:35
- 訪問次數 2189
聯系方式:周先生18901546660 查看聯系方式
500ml luyor-6100油性濃縮熒光檢漏劑,500ml luyor-6200水基濃縮熒光檢漏劑,500ml染料清洗劑,LUYOR-3130紫外熒光檢漏燈,充電器,充電電池,LUV-30熒光增強防護眼鏡,熒光劑添加標簽,手提箱。
LUYOR-6803 The Most Complete Kit to Find Leaks in Oil, Water and Water/Glycol-Based Systems!
Works in any enclosed circulatory system where fluids are used. Allows inspection of the entire system under virtually all operating conditions.
LUYOR-3130 super-high intensity, cordless, rechargeable UV LED leak detection flashlight
500 ml LUYOR-6100 concentrated oil dye
500 ml LUYOR-6200 concentrated water dye
500 ml spray bottle of LUYOR-6900 dye cleaner
Smart AC and DC chargers
Fluorescence-enhancing glasses
Dye treatment tags
Rugged carrying case