- 公司名稱 北京天思億達科技有限公司
- 品牌 其他品牌
- 型號
- 產地 德國
- 廠商性質 經銷商
- 更新時間 2023/10/25 11:51:44
- 訪問次數 1394
聯系方式:傅剛13522439133 查看聯系方式
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Grip Strength Meter TSE握力計The TSE Grip Strength Meter is a system for determining the gripping strength of small laboratory animals (rat, mouse). Within the context of neuromuscular investigations this test can be used to quantify the effects of hormones, toxins, muscle relaxants and other manipulations on the muscular strength of the animal
The animal pulls a special height-adjustable grip which is mounted on a high-precision force sensor. If the animal releases the grip the maximum force exerted is shown on the digital display of a connected control unit. In addition, the analog waveform can be shown on a chart recorder.
For maximum convenience the setup can be connected to a PC. If the animal releases the grip the maximum value is shown on the computer monitor and is simultaneously stored in a format that can be easily imported into Excel for further statistical calculations
• Test of muscular strength in small laboratory animals
• Available as a stand-alone or PC-based sensor system
• Sensor capacity for mice: up to 600 ponds; rats: up to 2000 ponds
• Height-adjustable sensor module for measuring forelimb and hindlimb strength
• Different grip specifications (mesh, trapezoid) or custom grips
Grip Strength Meter components