FC-121-1011 Illumina Nextera Index Kit
- 公司名稱 上海易匯生物科技有限公司
- 品牌 illumina/美國因美納
- 型號 FC-121-1011
- 產地
- 廠商性質 生產廠家
- 更新時間 2025/1/8 13:52:59
- 訪問次數 836
聯系方式:張經理18501609238 查看聯系方式
供貨周期 | 現貨 | 規格 | 24 indexes, 96 samples |
貨號 | FC-121-1011 | 應用領域 | 醫療衛生,化工,生物產業,制藥 |
主要用途 | 基因測序 |
Illumina/Nextera Index Kit (24 indexes, 96 samples)/FC-121-1011/1 Ea
Illumina Nextera Index Kit
Illumina Nextera Index Kit
產品編號: FC-121-1011
美 元 價: $260.00
品 牌: Illumina
產 地: 美國
公 司: Illumina, Inc.
Product Highlights:
Nextera DNA Library Preparation Kits provide a fast and easy workflow, enabling sequencing-ready libraries to be generated in less than 90 minutes, with less than 15 minutes of hands-on time. Samples prepared with Nextera kits are compatIBLe with all Illumina sequencers.
With Nextera technology, DNA is simultaneously fragmented and tagged with sequencing adapters in a single step, using standard lab equipment. Ideal for precious samples available in limited quantity, the protocol requires only 50 ng of DNA input.
See a list of automation vendors with robotic systems compatIBLe with this kit
Assay Time 90 minutes
Hands-On Time 15 minutes
Input Quantity 50 ng genomic DNA (compatIBLe with most large DNA genomes)
Mechanism of Action Enzymatic Fragmentation
Multiplexing Up to 96 available indexes
Species Category Human,Other,Mammalian,Mouse,Rat,Plant
Species Details CompatIBLe with most large DNA genomes.
System Compatibility MiSeq,NextSeq 550,HiSeq 3000,MiniSeq,NextSeq 500,HiSeq 2500,HiSeq 4000
Variant Class Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs),Structural Variants,Insertions-Deletions (indels)
Method Whole-Genome Sequencing
Technology Sequencing
Automation CapABIlity Liquid Handling Robots
- 德國mn 740416.50 macherey-nagel NucleoBond Xtra Maxi Plus
- 15032352 因美納Illumina NXTR XT 樣本制備試劑盒
- 20009555 因美納IlluminaISeq 100流動槽
- Illumina因美納測序試劑盒
- 因美納 FC-131-1024 Illumina Nextera XT DNA Library Preparation Kit
- 因美納 20009584 Illumina ISeq 100 i1試劑卡盒V2 300個循環
- 15032350 illumina NXTR XT樣本制備試劑盒 *
- 15026344 Illumina Truseq index plate fixture ues in pre-amp