79-1磁力加熱攪拌器 磁力攪拌器
- 公司名稱 金壇區白塔石英玻儀廠
- 品牌
- 型號 79-1磁力加熱攪拌器
- 產地
- 廠商性質 生產廠家
- 更新時間 2017/7/5 21:55:11
- 訪問次數 774
磁力攪拌器操作簡便,無級調速,能在較廣的速度范圍內對液體溶液進行精密穩定的攪拌,特別適合小體積樣品的試驗。磁力攪拌器可以分為不加熱型、加熱型、恒溫型三類,有的機型增設了雙向、多頭攪拌功能。它是現代石油、化工、醫藥衛生、環保、生化、實驗分析、教育科研的*理想工具。 Magnetism Msier is operated easily,non scale changes speed,can mix liquid precisely and stably in mide speed range,especially fit little samples experiments. It is divicled into three kinds:no-heating style,heating style,constant temperture style some of which add two-way,multi head mixing function. It is necessary,ideal tools in modern oil,chemistry industry. Medical sanitation,ewironment-protecting,biochemistry,test analysis educational scientific research.
79-1磁力加熱攪拌器 |
型 號 Type No. | 工作方式 Working Style | 控溫范圍 (℃) Temperature Contrd Range (℃) | 加熱功率 (W) Heating Power (W) | 調速范圍 (rpm) Speed Adjusting Range (rpm) | 工作尺寸 (cm) Working Size (cm) | 外形尺寸 (cm) Outside Size (cm) |
79-1,2 | (2)雙向攪拌 | 200 | 0~2400 | ¢125 | 30×17×13 |