78541 B7-H3 CHO Cell Line (High, Medium, or Low Expression)
- 公司名稱 BPS Bioscience Inc.
- 品牌 BPS Bioscience
- 型號 78541
- 產地
- 廠商性質 生產廠家
- 更新時間 2023/11/11 16:31:14
- 訪問次數 250
聯系方式:Henry 查看聯系方式
B7 homolog 3 protein (B7-H3) CHO Cell line is a recombinant clonal stable CHO cell line expressing full length human B7-H3 protein, also known as cluster of differentiation 276 (CD276, B7H3; B7RP-2; 4Ig-B7-H3). Surface expression of B7-H3 was confirmed by flow cytometry. Each stable clonal cell line was selected for High, Medium, or Low levels of B7-H3 expression to mimic different B7-H3 expression levels in various cancer types.
Purchase of this cell line is for research purposes only; commercial use requires a separate license. View the full terms and conditions.
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