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康普頓背散射檢驗系統 康普頓背散射檢驗系統

  • 公司名稱 北京新洋國際有限公司
  • 品牌
  • 型號 康普頓背散射檢驗系統
  • 產地 康普頓背散射檢驗系統
  • 廠商性質 經銷商
  • 更新時間 2017/7/13 21:14:08
  • 訪問次數 3253


新洋()科技有限公司,即New Ocean International Technology Ltd, 成立于2004年,在香港、澳門、北京設有辦事處及研發中心,是一家從事技術貿易及服務,高科技產品研發及生產的專業公司。 新洋()科技有限公司的業務范圍: ---金屬熱加工工藝及設備 ---環境試驗設備 ---理化儀器 ---無損探傷設備 ---微電子及半導體工藝及設備 ---光電工藝及設備 ---焊接技術設備 ---金屬無屑加工工藝及設備 ---復合材料工藝及設備。 新洋()科技有限公司自成立以來堅持“科技動力,新洋”的宗旨,凝聚了一大批勇于競爭,有開拓意識,技術經驗豐富,工作認真負責的人才,在許多行業以優惠的價格,全面的技術經驗,及時負責的售前,售后服務贏得了用戶的好評及信賴。 新洋()科技有限公司多年從事商務活動,具有豐富的金融、貿易經驗。我們充分利用香港便利的交通,資訊及金融平臺,提供著貿易、投資的服務,確保合同的有序執行與項目的順利進展。 新洋()科技有限公司除香港總部外,還設有六個業務部及一個研發基地,是歐美許多*生產廠家的中國總代理及Z佳合作伙伴,同時依托集團的北京昌平研發生產基地,可實現為用戶提供量身定制的產品,工藝方案及全套的生產,檢測設備。我們服務的市場是中國及亞洲市場。 新洋()科技有限公司的工作范圍不是單純的商貿代理,也不是單純的銷售公司,我們的業務范圍是:  ---提供全套的解決方案 ---提供售前服務 ---提供高性能價格比的產品 ---提供完整的售后服務 ---提供為用戶研發及定制的產品 我們服務的對象是:航天,航空,船舶,兵器,核工業,電子,光電,電信,石油,化工,鐵路,汽車,其它制造業及輕工業。 新洋()科技有限公司在位于北京昌平科技園區內有ISO9001質量認證的自設研發,售后服務中心,為客戶一條龍服務,為客戶解決后顧之憂。 主要業務范圍:--工業CT系統(德國YXLON公司產品) --超聲C掃描系統及超聲相控陣系統(加拿大R/D公司產品)--X射線實時成像系統及DR成像系統(德國YXLON公司產品)--常規超聲波探傷儀、渦流探傷儀、陣列式渦流探傷儀(加拿大R/D公司產品)--便攜式X射線機、固定式X射線機(德國YXLON公司產品)--激光超聲系統--復合材料生產設備 除了X射線產品之外,我們還提供全套的無損檢測解決方案。我們同時代理國外的各種超聲、渦流設備和系統。同時我們也提供系統集成的解決方案。

主要業務范圍:--工業CT系統(德國YXLON公司產品) --超聲C掃描系統及超聲相控陣系統(加拿大R/D公司產品)--X射線實時成像系統及DR成像系統(德國YXLON公司產品)--常規超聲波探傷儀、渦流探傷儀、陣列式渦流探傷儀(加拿大R/D公司產品)--便攜式X射線機、固定式X射線機(德國YXLON公司產品)--激光超聲系統--復合材料生產設備 除了X射線產品之外,我們還提供全套的無損檢測解決方案。我們同時代理國外的各種超聲、渦流設備和系統。同時我們也提供系統集成的解決方案。

ComScan 160II 康普頓背散射檢驗系統


ComScan 160 II set up for wing inspection.  In order to detect troublesome corrosion in the past, airplanes were periodically disassembled which took thousands of man hours.  With ComScan, the critical regions can be scanned compley without dismantling the airplane


ComScan 160 II has been designed for the inspection of light weight materials such as aluminum, honeycombs, aerospace composite materials, carbon fiber structures, etc.  Unlike conventional X-ray techniques which require both sides of the inspection sample for positioning of the X-ray sourceimaging device, ComScan only requires access to one side of the inspection sample.  This unique feature allows surface measurement of large, thick, bulky objects to be inspected which might otherwise not be possible with conventional X-ray techniques.

The system gives an accurate determination of defect sizedepth.   It is not even necessary for X-rays to penetrate the total inspection sample depth since ComScan utilizes back-scattered radiation.  The system is particularly well suited for the inspection of impact damage, corrosiondefective core conditions. 

Corrosion in an aircraft piece.  Corroded areas are darker than the non-corroded areas due to the reduced density of oxides compared to the metal.
Ingress of water in aluminum honeycomb behind an aluminum plate.  With increasing depth from layer to layer, the increasing water level can be observed.


ComScan presents the inspection image of the test part as a series of twenty-two slices. each made at a constant depth below the surface of the test object. Area resolution is 0.4 by 0.4 mm. Depth resolution of the individual slices is 0.4 mmis almost free from the influence of teatures contained in other slices, including the test part surfacealso the ten object shape. ComScan scans an area of 50 mm wide by 100 mm long at a time. Larger areas are inspected by simply repositioning the ComScan head to a new locationrepeating the scanning process which requires only 1.25 - 6.25 min for all twenty-two images. As the x-ray pencil beam scans the inspected area infashion. twenty-two solid state detectors receive backscattered radiation from discrete image planes in the test object.All twenty-two images are simultaneously assembled in computer memory. The operator may page through the completed images to determine which images are of interest. Each image is 250 by 500 pixel by 8 bits deep. providing 256 grey levels.lmages may be displayed one or two at a time on a 512 hy 512 pixel graphics display. Basic digital image processing capabilities including windowingcontrast manipulations are provided.

ComScan head
Each delector is collimated such that it can see primarily singlr backscattered radiation emanating from a predermined depth below the test object
surface. the focussing aperturesA can be exchanged easily by the user to access other ranges. the scanner head is placed against test object surface for operation.
system components:

The ComScan X-ray backscatter inspection.system consists of the following major subsystems:High stability X-ray generating subsystem, integrated scanner unit with X-ray tubeheadbackscattered radiation detection subcystem,the ComScan computer control subsystem plus image displayassociated software. All subsystems are fully inte-grated to form a user-friendly. menu driven X-ray backscatter imaging system.

A fan beam is formed from the X-ray tubehead''s conical beam by means of the slit diaphragm. The pencil beam is in turn formed from the fan beam by means of a rotating spirel slit collimator which forms an X-axis recurring X-ray beam sweep. The slitscanner is indexed in Y-axis direction such that the pencil beam scans the test object in raster fashion.As the X-ray beam penetrates the test object. Compton backscatter madiation is generateddetected by detectors located to both sides of the rotary scanner.

Detected backscattered radiation is amplified by means of low-noise photomultiplier tubes. digitized
and then transmitted to the ComScan computer by means of fiber optics. Detectors. photomultiplierselectronics are shielded against stray electromag-netic fields.

The ComScan control computer
is based on a 32-bit 68020 microprocessor with VME hus for data transmission. Eight megabytes of random access memory are provided to store programsdata consisting of twenty-two 250 by 500 pixel by 16 bit deep images. A 512 hy 512 pixel graphics processor allows the simultaneous display of one or two Slice images. A 640 kByte floppy diska 120 MByte hard disk are provided for the storage of programsimage data. Image data may be transmitted to DEC/VMS computers by means of an Ethernet interface.
High stability philips x-ray system MG 164fordetails see sparate datasheet:
. Control unit MGG 30-500 incl.RS 232 C serial interface
. Housing for control unit
. Power supply unit MGP 31
. Minus 160 kV HV-generator MGG 31
. 160 kV/19 mA dual focus, metal-ceramic X-ray tube MCN 165
. 10 m 33ft H.V.-cable
. Water flow safety switch
. Cooling water hoses

scaaner unit with built-in mcn165 x-ray tube, flanged detector headscanner electronics:
. one pencil X-ray beam raster scanning system
. Detector array consisting of 22 elements for the detection of backscattered radiation 
. Collimation systems for the generation of 22 overlapping image slices over 10 mm of the test part thickness wiih 10 mm offset from the scanner head surface. optional thickness ranges possihle by easily exchangeable focuss-ing detector apertures


comscan control unit:
. 32 bit 68020 microprocessor based computer with VME bus for data transmission
. 8 MB random access memory
. 640 kB floppy disk
. 120 MB hard disk
. digital I/0-card
. Scan control system 2 axis
. Necessary power supplies
. Matrox-Video processor board
. Computer terminalcolor video monitor connected via a 10 m33ftcable to ComScan rack


. ERM 2.09 operating system
. Menu based user interface
. Scan control programs
. Data intakedisplay software
. Basic image processing featuresLUT ZooM, Filtering etc.
. image storageread-in
. Sericecalibration tools



  • scan parameters:
    -1 pencil beam: 0.4 mm x 0.4 mm cross-Section
    -22 detector elements: BGO 1 mm x 2 mm x 60 mm coupled to photomultiplier tubes
    - Scan area: 50 mm x 100 mm
    - Scan time, adfjustable between 75 sec375 sec in 5 steps
    - Depth range: 
    10 mm with 10 mm dead spacestandard
    50 mm with 10 mm dead spaceoptional
    5 mm with 5 mm dead spaceoptional
    - 22 slices: 0-9 mm slice thickness on arerage,partly overlapping for 10 mm depth range
    - 250 positions along axis of rotating aperturephi-axis
    - 500 positions perpendicular to rotating apertureX-axis
    - Accuracy of detected data: 16 bits
    - Maximum resolution: 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 mm333for 10 mm depth range
    - image matrix: 250 x 500 pixel x 8 bits
    - Image display:1or2 slices at a time on a 512x512 pixel video screen
    - Penertration power: 
    50 mm in plastics, composites
    20 mm in aluminum
    5 mm in steel
  • mains supply:
    - Nominal voltage 220V 50/60 Hz, single phase
    - Mains fuse 35 A
  • environmental conditions:
    - duty cycle * up to +40°C+105°Fambient temperature in nonconvective air
    - operetion: Temperature + 10°C+50°F up to +40°C105°F, Relative humidity 70% at 40°C +105°F
    - Storage: Temperature -20°C-5°F up to +50°C (120°F, Relative humidity 95% at +40°C +105°F
  • weight/dimensionsmain components:
    - ComScan control rack 600 mm 23.6" wide.800 mm 31.5" deep. 1370 mm 154" high.weight approx 100 daN kg
    - ComScan head 600 mm 23.6" long plus 400 mm 15.7" for cable connections. 165 mm 6.5" deep, 370 ,mm 14.6" high, weight approx 45 daN kg incl. x-ray tube
    - x-ray control unit incl. housing 520 mm 20.5"wide, 302 mm11.9" deep, 180 mm 7" high,weight approx 15 daN kg
    - X-ray power supply 720 mm 28.3" long.390 mm 15.4" deep, 335 mm 13.2" high.weight approx 61 daN kg
    - X-ray H.V.-generator 970 mm 38.2" long,440 mm 17.3" wide, 485 mm 19.1" high,weight approx 200 daN kg
  • optionsavailable on request:
    - Additional serial interface ports rs 232 C
    - Focussing detector apertures for depth ranges other than standard
    - Hardcopy printer for documentation of ComScan images
    - operation desk for installation of x-ray control unitplacoment of controlimages monitors, key board hard copy printer etc.



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