- 公司名稱 上海進口閥門技術服務有限公司
- 品牌
- 型號
- 產地
- 廠商性質 代理商
- 更新時間 2018/4/10 10:11:02
- 訪問次數 123
Technical description
TA-CBI is a computer programmed balancing instrument. It consists of an electronic differential pressure gauge and a
micro computer which has been programmed with the TA
valve characteristics which makes possible a direct reading of flow and differential pressures.
The TA-CBI has two main components:
- An instrument which contains a micro computer, input touch
pad, LCD display and re-chargeable NiMh batteries.
- A sensor unit which contains a piezoresistive pressure
sensor, one measurement valve and connections.
The measurement valve has a safety function which protects
the sensor from too high differential pressures.
Measurement range:
Total pressure: max 2 500 kPa.
Differential pressure: -9 to 200 kPa.
Flow: During flow measurements the pressure range is 0.5 to200 kPa.
Temperature: -20 to 120°C
Temperature liquid medium:
-20 to 120°C
Measurement deviation:
Differential pressure: The greater of ±1% of displayed &#118alue or
±0.2 kPa
Flow: As for differential pressure + valve deviation.
Temperature: <0.2°C + sensor deviation.
Effective operating time:
8 to 10 h between charges depending upon application.
Ambient temperature for the instrument:
0 to 40°C (during operation)
5 to 40°C (charging)
-20* to 60°C (storage)
*) Do not leave water in the sensor when there is a risk of
- 煙氣分析儀
- 甲醛分析儀
- 粉塵測定儀/粉塵儀
- 紅外線氣體分析儀
- 多組分氣體分析儀
- 一氧化碳分析儀
- 二氧化碳分析儀
- 氨氣分析儀/氨分析儀
- 汽車尾氣分析儀
- 有毒有害氣體監測儀
- 臭氧檢測儀
- 煙氣/大氣重金屬在線分析儀
- 高純氣/特氣分析系統
- VOC檢測儀/TVOC檢測儀
- 臭氧分析儀(O3)
- 熱導式氣體分析儀
- CO、SO2、HCL、NOX、空氣檢測儀
- PM2.5/PM10/PM1/TSP大氣顆粒物監測儀
- 甲烷/非甲烷烴檢測儀
- 氮氧化物分析儀(NOX)
- 油煙檢測儀
- 惡臭測定儀
- 粉塵采樣器
- 粒子計數器
- 煙塵采樣器、煙氣采樣器
- 顆粒物采樣器
- 零氣發生器
- TSP采樣器
- 空氣微生物采樣器
- PM2.5采樣器
- PM10采樣器
- 粗、細顆粒物雙道采樣器
- 二噁英采樣儀/二噁英采樣器
- 酸雨采樣器
- 激光雷達
- 太陽光度計
- 塵量分析儀
- 氣體稀釋儀
- 煙度計
- 氣溶膠
- 氣體在線自動監測系統
- 灰霾監測系統
- 空氣質量自動監測系統
- 煙氣汞連續監測系統
- 氣體報警器/探測器/傳感器
- 環境污染事故應急監測儀器
- 溫室氣體監測儀
- 蘇瑪罐采樣器
- 揚塵監測儀
- 降水/降塵自動采樣監測儀
- 煙氣汞采樣器
- 氨逃逸在線監測系統
- 粒徑譜儀
- 其它氣體檢測