目錄:上海技舟化工科技有限公司>>LabWater純水器>>電解水設備>> 強堿性電解水設備堿性離子水機每小時15公斤
應用領域 | 綜合 |
High-ph alkaline ionized water is friendly people and the environment.
強堿性電解水設備堿性離子水機每小時15公斤是非常有效的高堿性電解離子水生產機,使用的電解技術只生產高堿性水,不像其他電解法,它不會產生任何高酸性水或氯氣,因此的安裝位置沒有特殊要求。節省空間的緊密型設計,不銹鋼結構可防水和腐蝕。前面的觸摸屏可以方便操作設置。其操作快速而穩定,生產堿性離子水時安全并且不破壞環境。出水pH 12.5,瞬間取水量20公斤,造水速度≥每分鐘250毫升,可以持續重復生產。
1. 不產生酸性水,產水去污能力強,PH值11.5~12.5;
2. 不含任何化工物質,無毒無害;
3. 離子水不可燃,不受安全規章限制;
4. 不受VOC規則和各種環境規定的限制;
5. 使用工業純水,通過電解產出堿性離子水,耗電量低,成本低;
6. 可直接排放的新型環保電解離子水,利用封閉循環系統可以實現*;
7. 強堿性電解水無論存放溫度的高低,密閉環境下存放一月以上水質穩定,其pH值不會發生變化。
It doesn't generate unnecessary acidic water, because pH12.5 alkaline ionized water is generated continually.
It is not used Nacl at electrolyte, then generated alkaline water is not include chloride(Cl-) . So prevent rust quality is excellent.
Removal of particles is excellent because it is a negative reduction potential.
This is not covered by PRTR, VOC, the Fire Service Act. regulations. (In Japan)
Easier the liquid manage more than surfactant and rinse quality is excellent.
This is 99.9% pure water. Not a dangerous liquid like caustic soda, so it's easy handling.
Washing and prevent rust of mater goods, processing plant goods etc.
Maintenance and clean at the place of pharmacy, foods plant.
Cleaning, deodorization and eliminate germ around the kitchen, bathroom and living room. Cleaning, deodorization and eliminate germ in the car.