閱讀:1041 發布時間:2013-1-22 原發性閉角型青光眼(Primary angle closure glaucoma,PACG)是失明的首要原因,*有1500萬人受累于PAGG,其中80%的患者生活在亞洲。研究者通過臨床觀察提出這一疾病具有強遺傳性,但缺乏個體遺傳易感性的直接證據。
由新加坡全國眼科中心的昂丁(AungTin)教授和首都醫科大學北京同仁醫院的王寧利教授帶領來自新加坡全國眼科中心、新加坡基因組研究院和首都醫科大學等30多家研究機構的科學家們在新研究中確定了與原發性閉角型青光眼(PACG)相關的三個基因。研究成果發表在2012年8月26日的《自然遺傳學》(Nature Genetics)雜志上。
科研人員采用全基因組關聯研究(GWAS)的思路,對亞洲5個樣本采集單位的1,854個PACG病例和9,608個對照進行了關聯分析,進一步又對來自世界各地的6個樣本采集點的1,917個PACG病例和8,943個對照進行驗證。研究zui終確定了三個促成閉角型青光眼的位點,PLEKHA7(rs11024102,OR) = 1.22;P = 5.33 × 10 −12),COL11A1(rs3753841, OR = 1.20; P = 9.22×10 −10)以及介于PCMTD1和ST18之間的rs1015213(OR = 1.50; P = 3.29×10 −9),這些結果是朝著更好地了解導致這一致盲性疾病的基礎分子事件的關鍵的一步,加深了對疾病遺傳因素的新認識,并開啟了未來新型治療的可能性,以及早期鑒別疾病風險人群的可能性。本研究中涉及的Sequenom SNP基因分型工作由 上海恒遠生物科技有限公司完成。
Genome-wide association analyses identify three new susceptibility locifor primary angle closure glaucoma
Primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) is a major cause of blindnessworldwide. We conducted a genome-wide association study including 1,854PACG cases and 9,608 controls across 5 sample collections in Asia.Replication experiments were conducted in 1,917 PACG cases and 8,943controls collected from a further 6 sample collections. We reportsignificant associations at three new loci: rs11024102 in PLEKHA7 (per-allele odds ratio (OR) = 1.22; P = 5.33 × 10−12), rs3753841 in COL11A1 (per-allele OR = 1.20; P = 9.22 × 10−10) and rs1015213 located between PCMTD1 and ST18 on chromosome 8q (per-allele OR = 1.50; P = 3.29 × 10−9). Our findings, accumulated across these independent worldwidecollections, suggest possible mechanisms explaining the pathogenesis of PACG