2011 年,《自然方法》雜志( Nature Methods )將單細胞測序列為年度值得期待的技術之一,2013 年,《科學》雜志(Science)將單細胞測序列為年度Z值得關注的六大領域,表明單細胞測序已成為科研熱點。 應廣大客戶的強烈需求,英國Dolomite公司成功研發出高通量RNA-seq轉錄組測序微流控系統,并成功完成了實驗,發行了應用報告。
環球分析測試儀器有限公司 |
—— 銷售熱線 ——
13716839263 |
(Macosko E., et al. "Highly Parallel Genome-wide Expression
Profiling of Individual Cells Using Nanoliter Droplets." Cell 161:1202
Tens of thousands of single cells are encapsulated with uniquely barcoded mRNA-capture beads. The cells are lysed in the droplets, and beads capture mRNA from single cells. The single cell RNA-beads are recovered and processed for downstream high throughput sequencing.