www.gembio.com 美國Gemini Bio是被FDA認可的提供細胞培養用的生物產品和化學試劑的公司,產品包括人和動物的血清和其它用于細胞培養的相關產品,細胞因子重組蛋白等。
Gemini Bio-Products is an FDA-registered provider of biological products and chemical reagents to the global cell culture community. Founded in 1985, Gemini has enjoyed solid growth as a result of our steadfast commitment to quality and customer service. Our most recent transition involved the 2006 relocation and expansion of our operations into a new technical plant and headquarters in West Sacramento, California. Gemini Bio-Products has earned a reputation for delivering quality products and services at a competitive price. Our greatest asset is our sales and customer service team. By clicking over to our Sales Team page, you can meet the Gemini representative entrusted with meeting your cell culture needs. Gemini's growing portfolio of products includes a wide range of human and animal sera, as well as many related products intended for use in the cell culture laboratory. Our products are shipped and delivered directly to you on a daily basis. Gemini's regular customers include the most respected cell culture facilities in the world. |
- Worthington Biochemical/美國
- Trilink
- 其他品牌
- QuickZyme Biosciences
- Research Diets
- Cygnus Technologies
- polysciences
- Boston Biochem
- Crystal Chem
- Enzyme Research
- BioporTo/丹麥
- ethosbiosciences
- beyotime/碧云天
- JCRB Cell Bank
- Edwards/英國愛德華
- GlycoTech/美國
- Minerva Biolabs
- Medisafe
- Vitrolife
- Biotech
- Genview
- Peninsula/美國