Kapa是世界上著名的生物技術公司。總部位于美國波士頓, 公司的主要理念是運用分子和遺傳學技術來打造新一代的生物科學和醫學診斷產品。 The majority of biomedical and research applications were designed around a small subset of native enzymes. The limitations of these methods are often the result of constraints due to enzyme structure or function. Recent technological advances have allowed enzymes to be tailored to suit specific application requirements. Enzyme engineering not only improves existing methods but also provides the foundation on which entirely novel applications can be built. Kapa conducts advanced protein engineering, taking advantage of recent developments in genomics, proteomics, and synthetic biology. The Kapa Team Our world-class team of scientists is lead by Chief Scientific Officer, Paul McEwan, who has over 10 years of experience developing breakthrough biochemistry and instrumentation in the field of high-throughput genomics including: inventing technologies and automation for the Human Genome Project at the Whitehead Institute Center for Genomic Research leading to the co-founding of genomics companies Agencourt Bioscience and Agencourt Personal Genomics. At Kapa Biosystems our vision is to invent, engineer, and deliver biotechnology solutions that empower our customers to shape the present and future of life science 公司:http://www.kapabiosystems.com/ |
產品相關關鍵字: Kapa Biosystems產品 Kapa Biosystems |
- Worthington Biochemical/美國
- Trilink
- 其他品牌
- QuickZyme Biosciences
- Research Diets
- Cygnus Technologies
- polysciences
- Boston Biochem
- Crystal Chem
- Enzyme Research
- BioporTo/丹麥
- ethosbiosciences
- beyotime/碧云天
- JCRB Cell Bank
- Edwards/英國愛德華
- GlycoTech/美國
- Minerva Biolabs
- Medisafe
- Vitrolife
- Biotech
- Genview
- Peninsula/美國