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上海起發實驗試劑有限公司King Bio-Medical專業代理,具體產品信息歡迎電詢:
von Willebrand Plasma – Type 1 (Mild )
Mild von Willebrand is drawn from a human donor that has a mild bleeding diathesis. Recommended storage for this fresh frozen plasma is -70° C. Mild von Willebrand Plasma is tested and found non-reactive for HIV and HBsAg.
von Willebrand Plasma – Type 2 (2B)
Type 2 von Willebrand Plasma is drawn from a human donor with confirmed Type 2B von Willebrand’s disease. Recommended storage for this fresh frozen plasma is -70° C. Type 2 von Willebrand Plasma is tested and found non-reactive for HIV and HBsAg.
von Willebrand Plasma – Type 3 (Severe)
Severe von Willebrand is drawn from a human donor that has markedly abnormal levels of factor VIII and vWd factor. Recommended storage for this fresh frozen plasma is -70° C. Severe von Willebrand Plasma is tested and found non-reactive for HIV and HBsAg.