目錄:鄭州君達儀器儀表有限公司>>紫外線燈>>紫外線防護眼鏡>> LUV-10紫外線防護眼鏡
應用領域 | 醫療衛生,食品,化工,生物產業,印刷包裝 |
LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡是為紫外線燈操作人員而設計的一款保護眼睛免受紫外強光的傷害的防護眼鏡。
LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡的鏡片是由有機材料和吸收劑制成的尤其能有效的防護UV燈的紫外光對人體的潛在傷害。
LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡是有效防止紫外線(180-400nm)對工作人員眼睛傷害的防護工具。
LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡和普通防護眼鏡的區別
4、由于高強度紫外線燈所發出的紫外線是肉眼看不到的,紫外線和可見光一樣存在反射現象,盡管沒有直視紫外線燈,但會有大量的從其它發射面發射過來的紫外線,而LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡帶有頂部和側面防護包圍,能夠從頂部和側面屏蔽紫外線。
LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡用于探傷行業(NDT)
在熒光滲透探傷以及熒光磁粉探傷操作紫外線探傷燈時,因為紫外線探傷黑光燈發出的強烈紫外線對操作人員眼鏡有傷害,操作人員必須佩戴紫外線防護眼鏡,LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡能夠阻隔紫外線,對探傷操作人員眼睛防護。
LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡用于法醫行業
LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡用于熒光檢漏行業
選用LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡應注意的問題:
3、LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡盡管能*屏蔽紫外線,但并不能屏蔽強光,所以,紫外線防護眼鏡只能適用于操作紫外線燈、紫外線觀察箱、紫外線分析儀、超凈工作臺等紫外線產品,并不能用于電焊以及太陽光等強光防護的應用。
4、LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡由于長時間使用,如果紫外線眼鏡表面保護不好,表面會有劃痕,影響觀察熒光效果,應及時更換新的紫外線防護眼鏡。
上圖為LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡的正視圖,經過防霧,防刮擦處理,高清晰的鏡片。
上圖為LUV-10 紫外線防護眼鏡的俯視圖,帶有側翼防護和透氣孔,頂部同樣帶有眉棱防護。
用LUV-10 紫外線防護眼眼鏡遮蓋住紫外線照度計成傳感器后,紫外線照度照度計顯示讀數為零。
These UV blocking spectacles protect the eyes from harmful UV radiation emitted from UV lamps. Specific eye protection is given for emitting wavelengths of 254 nm to 365 nm (nanometers).
1. Light weight, sturdy and impact resistant.
2. Fit comfortably on the face and nicely over prescription glasses.
3. Wide side arm panels give additional eye protection.
LUV-10 Spectacles, LUV-20Goggles and LUV-80 Faceshield Operating Manual
Ultraviolet Blocking Eyewear
Eyewear block ultraviolet radiation while providing optimumcontrast in viewing and lessened eye fatigue. The LUV-20 Goggles have air ventsthat are located on each side of the goggles to allow air flow while blockingthe ultraviolet radiation. The LUV-10 Spectacles are lightweight and fitcomfortably on the face, even over prescription glasses. Side arm panels giveadditional eye protection. The LUV-80 Faceshield covers the neck and face area.
Important: The eyewear are intended to protect theeyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation emitted from UV lamps.The eyewear isdesigned for eye protection from lamps emitting wavelengths of 254nm to 365nm(nanometers).These Ultraviolet Blocking Eyewear also reduce longwave ultraviolet“blue haze" for optimum viewing.
For exposure periods other than eight hours or for ultravioletwavelength emissions other than 254nm to 365nm, consult Document HSM 73-11009“Criteria for a Recommended Standard ... Occupational Exposure to UltravioletRadiation published by the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare."
Caution: Although the Goggles and Spectacles areintended to protect the eyes and the Faceshield to protect the face and neck,care must be taken to protect other parts of the body from severe skin burnassociated with shortwave UV wavelengths. Avoid shining any ultraviolet lamp onreflective surfaces. Wear protective clothing and skin cream.
Eyewear meet performance standards of ANSI Z87.1-1989.Spectacles and Goggles lenses are impact resistant, but not unbreakable. Cleanand inspect frequently. Pitted or scratched eyewear reduce protection — replaceimmediately. Clean all eyewear surfaces with a mild soap solution. Do not usesolvent on lenses. Carefully rinse off all soap. Air dry or pat dry with aclean, soft cloth or tissue.