目錄:英國應用光物理公司上海代表處>>激光閃光光解儀>> LKS60激光閃光光解儀
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激光閃光光解儀(Laser Flash Photolysis Spectrometer)用于研究納秒級的非常快速的反應的動力學,在國內的南開大學、復旦大學、武漢大學、中國礦業大學應用多年,并有很好的高等級的文獻引用和發表,數據引用率占可檢索到的已發表的文獻的百分之八十以上。當前型號LKS.80的激光閃解儀,靈敏度更高,樣品用量更少,數據準確。
激光閃光光解儀LKS.80 用于研究納秒到微秒的動力學分析,通過一定波長的激光的激發、看分子形態在納秒到微秒的時間范圍內的吸收、熒光的變化,從而給出反應、結構、能態變化的動力學信息。
激光閃解儀LKS.80 可選擇多種激光源。
高靈敏度。LKS60 激光閃解儀的響應時間可達2ns,分辨率為0.10ns
激光閃解儀(Laser Flash Photolysis Spectrometer) LKS.80可升級 Slow flash,flow flash, Stopped-flow( 停流) 等擴展模式, 以研究微秒、毫秒時間范圍的動力學現象。
Applied Photophysics Ltd 應用光物理公司
Applied Photophysics has been supplying laser flash-photolysis instruments since 1973. The experience gained during this period has resulted in the LKS.80 spectrometer which offers both ease of use and flexibility, including special configurations such as combined stopped-flow and/or flow-flash systems. The LKS.80 is used to study the reactions of very short-lived species, such as free radicals or excited state species.