主營產品: 射頻光纖傳輸模塊-微波光纖傳輸模塊-RF over Fiber-微波光纖延遲線-雷達目標模似器 |
主營產品: 射頻光纖傳輸模塊-微波光纖傳輸模塊-RF over Fiber-微波光纖延遲線-雷達目標模似器 |
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更新時間:2022-08-11 08:23:13瀏覽次數:1897
If the input polarization is parallel to the optical axis the optical phase can be modulated by applying different electric fields to the crystal. Applying an AC-Voltage results in a time-dependant phase and thus in a frequency shift in the output signal. Next to the carrier frequency fc sidebands appear D withf= fc ±n·fM (fM= frequency of the electric field, n∈N). The a plitude of the sidebands with respect to the carrier can be influenced by the amplitude of the applied voltage and are given by the Bessel functions. Many application, e.g. in quantum optics like Pound-Drever-Hall set-ups or laser frequency stabilization rely on such well-defined triplets of frequency.