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更新時間:2024-08-13 20:58:17瀏覽次數:2055
泡沫海綿壓陷硬度測試儀主要方法:用戶可按照要求選擇方法 以設定速度加入式樣測得壓入量的力值測得zui大力值記錄當下力值 在以設定速度返回
GB10807-2006 軟質泡沫聚合材料壓陷性能測試標準
主要適用于軟質泡沫聚和材料如:海綿、泡沫等壓陷硬度在國家標準要求的A法、B法、C法下對標準尺寸的海綿、泡沫等試樣進行標準的測試,測出海綿、泡沫等材料的壓陷硬度。本儀器采用計算機控制,可對試驗過程中的各種數據進行快速、準確的采集、處理,并可存取、顯示、打印,精準的曲線力值雙向顯示更直觀的顯示式樣的測試結果 采用精密嵌入式cpu控制方式也可直接測定座椅靠背等 不規則海綿
可選方法分為三種:A 法B法 C法用戶自行設定
(1)、速度:100mm/min; ±20mm
(2)、壓陷硬度測定范圍:0-2000.0 N
(3)、測力zui小分辨率:0.25 N
(5)、zui大行程3500mm 可根據客戶要求
(7)、實驗平臺 500*600/mm
(8)、放氣孔分布直徑 250*250/mm
(9)、整機尺寸 500*600*800/mm
自動清零 | 計算機接到試驗開始指令后,系統自動清零。 |
過載 | 當負荷超過額定值時自動停機。 |
限位 | 具有程控和機械限位。 |
結果 | 試驗結果可存取,對數據曲線進行分析。 |
顯示 | 數據和曲線試驗過程動態顯示。 |
外觀 | 專業美工設計 大方、簡單 |
控制方法 | 根據試驗需要可選擇試驗力、試驗速度、位移、應變等試驗方法 |
示值校驗 | 系統可實現力值的準確標定。 |
改變速度 | 本機可根據不同的試樣,任意改變試驗速度。 |
自動換檔 | 根據負荷的大小,可切換不同的檔位,確保測量精度。 |
自動返程 | 試驗完成后,自動返回初始位置。 |
控制方式 | 可選手控/微機 /EPC |
試驗儲存 | 自動儲存 方便用戶調取 |
通訊方式 | RS232/USB/亞太網絡端口 (可選) |
電源線 一條
Main methods: sponge sag hardness tester user selection method in accordance with the requirements Measured in the set speed to join fashion strength measured the amount of pressure into the most strongly values recorded when the dint value Back in the set speed
Sponge sag hardness tester is making standard:
GB10802 soft polyurethane foam vinegar
GB10807-2006 soft foam polymeric material sag performance testing standards
Is mainly suitable for soft foam polyethylene and materials such as sponge, foam, such as sag hardness in the national standard requirements by the method of A, B, C standard size of sponge, foam, such as sample standard test, measure the pressure of sponge, foam materials such as hardness. The instrument adopts computer control, to test the various data in the process of rapid and accurate collection, processing, and can access, display, print, the curve of the precise force value two-way display more intuitive display style of the test results Adopts precision embedded CPU control method can also be directly backrest, etc Irregular sponge
Sag amount preset, through accurate control timing circuit sag;
Easy to use: pressure sensor with high precision and large scale integrated circuit;
Determination of accurate: provide three methods of determination of sag hardness;
Optional method is divided into three types: A method of B C users to set
Sponge sag hardness tester technical parameters
(1), speed: 100 mm/min. Plus or minus 20 mm
(2), sag stiffness measurement range: 0-2000.0 N
(3), minimum load resolution: 0.25 N
(4), measuring error: < 1%
(5), the maximum 3500 mm can according to customer's requirements
(6), the pressure head diameter is 200 mm
(7), 500 * 600 mm/experiment platform
(8), vent hole diameter distribution of 250 * 250 / mm
(9), the machine size 500 * 600 * 600 / mm
(10), the power supply of 220 v / 50 hz
Sponge sag hardness tester is functional features
Automatic reset
Computer received instructions after the beginning of the experiment, the system automatically reset.
When the load exceeds rating automatic stop.
With SPC and mechanical limit.
The results of
Test results can access, analyze the data curve.
According to
Dynamic display of data and curve test process.
Professional graphic design and easy, simple
The control method
Can choose according to the need of experimental test, the test speed, displacement, strain test method, etc
Calibration value for
The system can realize a strength of accurate calibration.
Change the speed
The machine according to different samples, arbitrarily change the test speed.
Automatic shift
According to the size of the load, it can switch different gear, to ensure the accuracy of measurement.
Automatic return
The test is finished, return to the initial position.
The control mode
Can players control/computer/EPC
Storage test
Automatic storage Easy to obtain
Communication methods
RS232 / USB/Asia Pacific network port (optional)
Sponge sag hardness tester is the main configuration:
The test host
Pressure plate a
A sensor (200 kg hub-and-spoke)
Color ink jet printer
A set of control software
The power cord a
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