?Traceable to NIST /可溯源到NIST
?Individually Serialized/單獨包裝
公司介紹:江蘇泰諾源生物技術有限公司(http://www.tenoyo。。com)是一家專業從事實驗裝備、分析儀器、耗材、試劑等相關實驗室用品的供應商。目前公司由兩大主營業務:“泰諾生命科學-Technol Life Science"代理銷售國內外產品;“諾源儀器-Noyo Instrument"生產銷售自有品牌產品。作為一家為科學研究提供服務的企業,無論您將新建一個全新的實驗室還是日常的科研工作,泰諾源都能為您提供的產品和滿意的服務。
美國VWR培養箱溫度計Traceable to NIST
· Individually Serialized
美國VWR培養箱溫度計These bottle thermometers are ideal for obtaining accurate temperature measurements in freezers, refrigerators, incubators, ovens, and blood banks.Supplied with sampling material (fine glass beads) in a bottle. A blue spirit-filled thermometer nested in the sampling material is used to safely and accuray measure temperature within test batches without contamination.All thermometers are supplied with a magnetic backing to enable easy attachment to an interior wall or sample. Each thermometer features a unique serial number for proper recordkeeping.The standard and precision bottle thermometers include a Traceability Statement indicating accuracy traceable to NIST. Each thermometer is individually calibrated in an ISO/IEC 17025:2005, A2LA accredited laboratory against equipment whose calibration is traceable to NIST.The certified bottle thermometers include a Report of Calibration that shows that each thermometer is individually calibrated to NIST standards at specific temperature points. The Report of Calibration states corrections to one-tenth of the smallest division. These thermometers are certified in an ISO/IEC 17025:2005, A2LA accredited laboratory against equipment whose calibration is traceable to NIST.
Description | Range | Length | Accuracy | Divisions | VWR Catalog Number | Unit |
Blood Bank Thermometer | –5 to 20°C | 135 mm | 0.75°C | 0.5 | 89095-678 | Case of 25 Each | |
Freezer Thermometer | –30 to 1°C | 135 mm | 0.75°C | 0.5 | 89095-670 | Case of 25 Each | |
Incubator Thermometer | 10 to 45°C | 125 mm | 0.75°C | 0.5 | 89095-684 | Case of 25 Each | |
Incubator Thermometer | 15 to 50°C | 135 mm | 0.75°C | 0.5 | 89095-686 | Case of 25 Each | |
Oven Thermometer | 20 to 130°C | 145 mm | 1.5°C; 2°C above 105°C | 1 | 89095-690 | Case of 25 Each | |
Oven Thermometer | 50 to 200°C | 145 mm | 2.5°C; 5°C above 130°C | 2 | 89095-692 | Case of 25 Each | |
Refrigerator Thermometer | –5 to 15°C | 125 mm | 0.75°C | 0.5 | 89095-676 | Case of 25 Each | |
Ultra Low Freezer Thermometer | –90 to 25°C | 145 mm | 1.5°C; 2.5°C below -50°C | 1 | 89095-680 | Case of 25 Each | |
1、通過我們孜孜不倦地探索和創新,同時本著“時時為客戶著想"的經營理念,泰諾源建立了全新的服務模式,為終端客戶提供更加全面、專業的增值服務。公司已在北京、上海、蘇州、合肥設立分公司或辦事處。您如果對產品有任何疑問都可直接致電江蘇泰諾源銷售部,:崔或者添加 為您在線解答。隨著生命科學行業的蓬勃發展,泰諾源也將迎來新的機遇和挑戰,我們將一如既往地向著目標努力:致力于成為長三角地區zui好的實驗室集成供應商。