重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司 |
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- 400-021-2200
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- 15021010459
- 傳真:
- 023-63419626
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- 告知來自化工儀器網
- 個性化:
- www.hystemcell.cn
- 公司網站:
- https://www.ys-bio.cn/
About OriGen
OriGen Biomedical, Inc. is a small, privay-held medical device manufacturer headquartered in Austin, Texas, USA. Our engineers have more than 25 years of experience with dozens of different specialty medical devices for cardiac care and cell culture.
Origen is ISO 13485 Certified, and our products have received both marketing clearance from US-FDA, are registered for use in Canada and are CE marked.
We welcome your suggestions on product improvement and new products.
Why Choose OriGen?
Quality Commitment Product quality is the foundation of all product designs at OriGen, and each product is produced with the intention that it will improve patient health. OriGen is certified annually to ISO13485 standards, and regularly inspected by the FDA, ISO-certification organizations, and our customers.
Customer Commitment
We offer superior products and real customer service. We listen to our customers and work with them to develop products that meet their needs. OriGen is not just another supplier, we are a partner committed to providing you with solutions tailored to your specific needs. As an OriGen customer, you can be sure the same attention to detail has gone into every product with the OriGen label.
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