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Nalgene 20L 可高溫高壓操作的細口大瓶(帶手柄)
參考價 | 面議 |
- 型號 2250-0050
- 品牌 NALGENE/美國
- 廠商性質 代理商
- 所在地 重慶市
更新時間:2016-12-28 15:48:49瀏覽次數:1320
Nalgene 20L 可高溫高壓操作的細口大瓶(帶手柄) 產品介紹:
Nalgene帶手柄大瓶是存放大批量一次性培養基,大量藥物原料成份或其它溶液的理想選擇。是保存無菌水的理想選擇,可在重新填注前進行高溫高壓滅菌, 以防止藻類或細菌的生長。另外還可存儲病毒疫苗產品和其它化學成份。大瓶口方便填充和分配溶液,瓶身和瓶蓋均為聚丙烯材質,有TPE墊圈,手柄可方便提 取。Nalgene帶手柄大瓶有三種不同規格,10, 20, 50L。
? 手柄設計方便提取和轉移
? 有10, 20, 50L三種規格供選擇
? 帶有1加侖或5L刻度標記
? 可高壓滅菌/帶刻度/防漏
Nalgene 50L 可高溫高壓操作的細口大瓶(帶手柄) 英文簡述:
Thermo Scientific* Nalgene Autoclavable Carboys with Handles are ideal for the containment of media, bulk pharmaceutical ingredients and other solutions.
An excellent choice for large batches of culture media, vaccine product production, bulk media and chemical storage. These carboys with large mouth for easy filling/dispensing are made of natural polypropylene (PP) and supplied with white 83B PP closure with TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) gasket. Fit perfectly a variety of optional 83B closures with standard tubing sets (such as Nalgene TopWorks, Nalgene Filling/Venting) and custom tubing set designs.
? Convenient shoulder handles allow easy carrying and pouring, even with gloved hands
? Available in 10, 20, and 50L sizes for a variety of biopharmaceutical applications
? Graduated to contain in 1 gal. and 5L increments for ease of use
? Autoclavable/Graduated/Leakproof
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