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[供應]50090-NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose高分辨率瓊脂糖粉 125g重慶市華雅干細胞
產品應用: DNA/RNA分析電泳,PCR產物分離、雜交
中國俗稱: Agarose瓊脂糖粉 中國簡稱: 瓊脂糖
注冊品牌: LONZA 生產廠家: Lonza Rockland
訂購貨號: 50090 保存溫度: 室溫
規格型號: 125g
產品英文名稱:NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose
產品中文名稱:NuSieve™ 3:1 瓊脂糖
NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose產品介紹:
NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose是標準熔點的瓊脂糖,分子生物級別,能夠使強凝膠產生精細的分辨率,適用于分析小DNA, RNA和PCR產物(≤ 1 kb)。NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose易于操作,顯著提高了凝膠和雜交速度,對于分析1000bp內DNA的片段都能表現出精細分辨率。NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose瓊脂糖主要設計用于分析電泳。使用時做好必要的防護措施。
NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose產品參數:
› Gelling temperature (4%)―― 32.5°C-38.0°C
› Melting temperature (4%)―― <90°C
› Gel strength (4%)―― >1,400 g/cm²
NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose英文簡述:
NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose is a molecular biology grade, standard melting temperature agarose that yields strong gels for fine resolution of small DNA, RNA, and PCR products ≤ 1 kb. These easy-to-handle gels enhance the speed of gel processing and blotting. Performance testing of NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose ensures fine resolution of DNA fragments up to 1,000 bp, though this agarose is capable of finely resolving DNA fragments ranging from 10 bp up to 1,500 bp. NuSieve™ 3:1 Agarose is designed for analytical electrophoresis. If you prefer using a low melting temperature agarose, we recommend NuSieve™ GTG™ Agarose, which is certified for applications requiring complete compatibility with enzymes used in cloning.
• PCR product separation and blotting
• Analytical electrophoresis of DNA and RNA fragments <1,000 bp
14-507E FBS, USDA approved source H.I., 100 ml BOT
17-605E L-Glutamine 200mM 100 ml BOT
17-745H Pen/Strep/Fungizone 10K/10K/25ug, 20 ml BOT
00189269 PowerCHO-GS serum-free media 1L BOT
04-351Q Schneider's Drosophila Medium, Mod., 1 L BOT
04-648F Richter's CM Medium 500 ml BOT
10-543Q HBSS, w/o Ca++,Mg++ w/ phenol red, 1 L BOT
12-117Q Med199 w/EBSS,Gln, HEPE2.2g/L NaHCO3 1 L BOT
12-137F MEM Eagle HBSS w/o L-Gln w/HEPES, 500 ml BOT
12-618F Ham's F-10 Med w/ L-Gln 500 ml BOT
12-724Q UltraCHO w/L-Gln 1 L BOT
12-733Q DMEM 4.5 g/L Gluc w/o L-Gln or Pyr, 1 L BOT
12-766Q ProCHO 5 serum-free media 1 L BOT
12-918F RPMI 1640 w/o Gln or Phen Red,500 ml BOT
04-380Q X-VIVO 10 with Gent and Phenol Red, 1 L BOT
04-409R PBS-1X, w/o Ca++ or Mg++ 15 L carboy CAB
04-418Q X-VIVO 15 with Gent L-Gln, Phen Red, 1 L BOT
04-448Q X-VIVO 20 with Gent Gln, Phenol Red, 1 L BOT
04-457F Graces Insect w/o FBS, Gent. LAH, 500 ml BOT
04-479Q DPBS-1X w/ Ca & Mg Glucose and Pyr, 1 L BOT
04-501Q Grace's Insect Medium (TNM-FH) w/FBS 1 L BOT
04-649F Grace's Insect Medium w/o FBS, 500 ml BOT
04-719Q MEM Eagle Joklik, w/L-Gln w/o Ca++, 1 L BOT
04-743Q X-VIVO 10 w/o Gent or Phenol Red, 1 L BOT
04-744Q X-VIVO 15 w/o Gent or Phenol Red, 1 L BOT
以上信息由企業自行提供,信息內容的真實性、準確性和合法性由相關企業負責,化工儀器網對此不承擔任何保證責任。 溫馨提示:為規避購買風險,建議您在購買產品前務必確認供應商資質及產品質量。