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瓊脂糖凝膠微波制備法—LONZA SeaKem Gold
1. 準備燒杯,容積是溶液體積的2-4倍。
2. 加入常溫 1X 或 0.5X電泳緩沖液。放攪拌棒。
3. 一邊快速攪拌溶液,一邊慢慢撒入瓊脂糖粉。
4. 拿掉攪拌棒,if not Teflon® coated.
5. 加熱前稱量燒杯溶液總重。
6. 塑料蓋好燒杯。
7. 塑料蓋上穿小孔用來透氣。
8. 微波高功率加熱燒杯直到氣泡出現。
9. 拿出燒杯。
10. 小心輕晃燒杯以重懸未溶解粉末和凝膠碎片。
11. 高功率重新加熱燒杯,直到沸騰。
12. 在沸點維持1分鐘,或是等到顆粒全部溶解。
13. 拿出燒杯。
14. 小心輕晃燒杯以*混勻瓊脂糖溶液。
15. 溶解后,補充足量熱的蒸餾水,恢復起始稱重。
16. *混勻。
17. 冷卻到 50°C。
1. 準備燒杯,容積是溶液體積的2-4倍。
2. 加入常溫電泳緩沖液。放攪拌棒。
3. 一邊快速攪拌溶液,一邊慢慢撒入瓊脂糖粉。
4. 加熱前稱量燒杯溶液總重。
5. 塑料蓋好燒杯。
6. 塑料蓋上穿小孔用來透氣。
7. 攪拌直到溶液沸騰。
8. 維持微沸狀態直到所有瓊脂溶解(約10min)。
9. 補充足量熱的蒸餾水,恢復起始稱重。
10. *混勻。
11. 冷卻到 50°C-60℃。
Microwave lnstructions for Agarose Preparation
1. Choose a beaker that is 2-4 times the volume of the solution.
2. Add room temperature 1X or 0.5X electrophoresis buffer and a stir bar to the beaker.
3. Slowly sprinkle in the agarose powder while the solution is rapidly stirred.
4. Remove the stir bar if not Teflon® coated.
5. Weigh the beaker and solution before heating.
6. Cover the beaker with plastic wrap.
7. Pierce a small hole in the plastic wrap for ventilation.
8. Heat the beaker in the microwave oven on High
power until bubbles appear.
9. Remove the beaker from the microwave oven.
Caution: Any microwaved solution may become superheated and foam over when agitated.
10. GENTLY swirl the beaker to resuspend any settled powder and gel pieces.
11. Reheat the beaker on HIGH power until the solution comes to a boil.
12. Hold at boiling point for 1 minute or until all of the particles are dissolved.
13. Remove the beaker from the microwave oven.
14. GENTLY swirl the beaker to thoroughly mix the agarose solution.
15. After dissolution, add sufficient hot distilled water to obtain the initial weight.
16. Mix thoroughly.
17. Cool the solution to 50°C-50°C prior to casting.
Hot Plate Instructions for Agarose Preparation
1. Choose a beaker that is 2-4 times the volume of the solution.
2. Add room temperature electrophoresis buffer and a stir bar to the beaker.
3. Slowly sprinkle the agarose powder while the solution is rapidly stirred.
4. Weigh the beaker and solution before heating.
5. Cover the beaker with plastic wrap.
6. Pierce a small hole in the plastic wrap for ventilation.
7. Bring the solution to a boil while stirring.
8. Maintain gentle boiling until all the agarose is dissolved (approximay 10 minutes).
9. Add sufficient hot distilled water to obtain the initial weight.
10. Mix thoroughly.
11. Cool the solution to 50°C-60°C prior to casting.
LONZA SeaKem® Gold Agarose金瓊脂糖粉,超長DNA凝膠電泳
產品英文名 SeaKem® Gold Agarose
產品中文名 SeaKem®金瓊脂糖粉
SeaKem® Gold Agarose是一種高凝膠強度,低EEO(電滲),標準凝膠溫度的瓊脂糖。這種遺傳學技術級別(Genetic Technology Grade™ Agarose)的瓊脂糖zui適于在脈沖場凝膠電泳法(pulsed field gel electrophoresis-PFGE)實驗中快速分辨巨大堿基對DNA:長片段及超長片段DNA。由于SeaKem®Gold Agarose金膠瓊脂糖的低EEO特性,在SeaKem®Gold瓊脂糖凝膠電泳實驗中,DNA電泳遷移率遠遠超過傳統的瓊脂糖凝膠電泳。PFGE的跑膠時間依使用的緩沖液和瓊脂糖濃度的不同可減少至原電泳時間的50%。因其高凝膠強度,即使是使用低濃度(0.5%的SeaKem Gold瓊脂糖凝膠),操作處理依然很方便,從而允許在常規電泳中分離更大的DNA fragment并減少PFGE中的DNA分離的耗時。為了更好的在PFGE電泳后對大片段DNA fragment回收,推薦使用 SeaPlaque™ GTG™ Agarose和ß-Agarase。
品牌 | 貨號 | 產品描述 | 包裝 | 目錄價 |
LONZA | 50152 | SeaKem® Gold Agarose 金瓊脂糖粉 25g | 25g/瓶 | 3220元 |
LONZA | 50150 | SeaKem® Gold Agarose 金瓊脂糖粉125g | 125g/瓶 | 11870元 |
LONZA SeaKem® Gold Agarose金瓊脂糖粉凝膠制備方法由紅榮微再翻譯。詳情參見說明書。
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