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關鍵詞:單細胞全基因組擴增技術WGA,PicoPLEX 特殊隨機引物起始的熱循環擴增,MALBAC Multiple Annealing and Looping Based Amplification Cycles (多次退火環狀循環擴增技術)
Rubicon : US8206913 Filed Date : Mar 3, 2010
MALBAC : WO2012/166425 International filing date : 22 May, 2012
MALBAC:30 min
PicoPLEX:15 min
MALBAC 多次退火環狀循環擴增技術
PicoPLEX 特殊隨機引物起始的熱循環擴增+PCR
MALBAC:Multiple Annealing and Looping Based Amplification Cycles (多次退火環狀循環擴增技術)是一種擬線性全基因組擴增方法。與傳統的非線性或指數型DNA擴增方法不同(在每個循環中,復制的DNA可以作為后續循環的模板),MALBAC利用特殊的引物使擴增子具有互補末端并因此循環,防止DNA被指數復制。這導致僅擴增原始基因組DNA,并因此降低擴增偏倚。
PicoPLEX 技術流程:
包括文庫構建和文庫擴增兩個步驟。文庫構建(預擴增)階段,設計的特殊引物能消除引物之間的雜交,從而提高引物和模板的配對效率。利用特殊隨機引物(Quasi-random primer)引發線性擴增進行全基因組擴增。特別設計的隨機引物(參見US patent 8,206,913)能減少引物二聚體的形成,從而提高引物和模板的配對效率。
PicoPLEX WGA kit采用PicoPLEX技術,設計、優化用于從單細胞中擴增單拷貝基因組DNA。
1. Implantation potential of mosaic embryos
2. Lledo et al. 2017 Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine
3.Vasculogenic mimicry in small cell lung cancer
4.Williamson et al. 2016 Nature Communications
5.Mouse model of chromosome mosaicism reveals lineage-specific depletion of aneuploid cells and normal developmental potential
6. Bolton et al. 2015 Nature Communications
7.Validation of copy number variation sequencing for detecting chromosome imbalances in human preimplantation embryos
8.Wang et al. Biol Reprod. 2014 Jun 25. pii: biolreprod.114.120576. DOI:10.1095/biolreprod.114.120576.
1.New protocol based on massive parallel sequencing for aneuploidy screening of preimplantation human embryos
2.Vendrell et al. 2017 Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/19396368.2017.1312633
3.Construction of thousands of single cell genome sequencing libraries using combinatorial indexing
4.Vitak et al. bioRxiv Jul. 23, 2016; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/065482.
5.A linkage map for the Newt Notophthalmus viridescens: Insights in vertebrate genome and chromosome evolution
6. Keinath et al. 2014 Developmental Biology
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