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[供應]CellArtis Y40002 NDiff 227人小鼠ES胚胎干細胞Gibco B27神經分化N2 B27培養基
N2 B27神經分化培養基NDiff 227是一款成分確定、無血清、包含N2 & B27添加劑的*培養基,用于將單層貼壁生長的小鼠胚胎干細胞向神經方向分化。該款培養基上市時間超過10年,一共有超過47篇文獻使用。
N2 B27神經分化培養基產品特征
CellArtis Gibco B27神經分化N2 B27培養基神經培養基及添加劑系列產品
貨號 | 產品描述 | 規格 | 補充說明 |
Y40002 | NDiff® 227,N2 B27神經分化培養基 | 500 ml | 參考作為Gibco N2 B27替代 |
Y40001 | RHB-A®,NDiff® 227(Y40002)的進化版 | 500 ml | 參考作為Gibco N2 B27替代 |
Y40000 | RHB-Basal® 神經基礎培養基 | 500 ml |
Y40110 | NDiff® N2-AF, 無動物源N2添加劑,與 RHB-Basal medium 配合使用。 | 5 ml | 同Gibco N2,源于Bottenstein’s配方。 |
NDiff 細胞培養添加物
NDiff N2是成分*確定的、不添加血清的添加物,用于組織來源的神經干細胞(tissue-derived neural stem (NS) cells)的分化獲取、維持培養、定向分化。Cellartis除了傳統型的NDiff N2,還提供不包含動物源成分(animal-free (AF))的NDiff N2。NDiff N2可以和與不含動物源成分的RHB-Basal一起使用,從而開發適合使用者特殊細胞類型的培養基。
NDiff N2和NDiff N2-AF含有insulin, APO-transferrin (iron poor), progesterone, putrescine, 以及sodium selenite。
■ 產品特點
· Compley defined, serum-free formulation
· Animal-free (AF) version contains no components of animal origin
· Use with RHB-Basal medium for optimal performance
NDiff N2 is a proprietary, compley-defined, serum-free cell culture supplement for the derivation, maintenance, expansion, and/or differentiation of human and mouse stem cells and tissue-derived neural stem (NS) cells. Both traditional and animal-free (AF) versions are available. For optimal performance, NDiff N2 should be used with RHB-Basal medium; this medium is animal-component free and does not contain neuronal supplements, allowing medium customization to meet the specific requirements of your cells.
神經干細胞培養基Neural Stem Cell Culture Media
RHB-A,下一代N2B27神經分化培養基。可用來培養擴增貼壁的人或小鼠的神經干細胞。在RHB-A中培養的神經干細胞保持著穩定的神經干細胞分化發育成為成熟的神經細胞的能力 (1-3) 。另外,RHB-A還用來定向分化小鼠胚胎干細胞(mouse ES)至神經前體細胞 (neural precursors) (4-6)。
■ 產品特點
· RHB-A is a proprietary, fully defined, and serum-free medium designed to maintain pure populations of adherent human and mouse NS cells
· RHB-Basal medium is animal component-free and contains no neuronal supplements; the media can be customized by the addition of supplements
■ 產品應用
· Derivation of mouse and human NS cells from ES cells and fetal and adult tissues
· Maintenance and propagation of adherent mouse and human NS cells
· Differentiation of mouse and human NS cells into functional neurons
· Differentiation of mouse ES cells to neuronal precursors
· Refer to the Data Sheet for additional examples of use
———————同 Gibco B27神經分化N2 B27培養基現貨直達———————————
訂購CellArtis Y40002 NDiff 227人小鼠ES胚胎干細胞Gibco B27神經分化N2 B27培養基產品歡迎您致電 華雅再生醫學旗艦公司:紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司 :152 1681 4001。華雅再生醫學-客服: 316 808 6348
紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司以“傳遞科學價值,服務科學研究”為宗旨,主營:干細胞、精準醫療、細胞治療、器官再生 四大板塊的產品。
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