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[供應]T100B-TAKARA RetroNectin 重組人纖維蛋白,296
RetroNectin®是在大腸桿菌中產生的重組人纖維蛋白片段FN CH-296。 當包被在培養瓶和培養板表面時,RetroNectin®能顯著增強逆轉錄病毒介導的基因轉移到哺乳動物細胞中。
產品英文名:TAKARA RetroNectin®(Recombinant Human Fibronectin Fragment),FN CH-296
產品中文名:TAKARA RetroNectin®重組人纖維蛋白片段,FN CH-296
RetroNectin® 重組人纖維蛋白片段
RetroNectin®是在大腸桿菌中產生的重組人纖維蛋白片段FN CH-296。 當包被在培養瓶和培養板表面時,RetroNectin®能顯著增強逆轉錄病毒介導的基因轉移到哺乳動物細胞中。
RetroNectin (Recombinant Human Fibronectin Fragment) 0.5 mg (Cat. #T100A)
RetroNectin (Recombinant Human Fibronectin Fragment) 2.5 mg (Cat. #T100B)
RetroNectin is provided as a sterile 1 mg/ml solution.
[Form] Sterile solution containing 12.5 mM sodium citrate (pH 6.2) and 1.25% sucrose
Caution: Freezing and thawing can be repeated up to 10 times
品牌 | 貨號 | 產品描述 | 包裝 |
TAKARA | T100B | RetroNectin® Recombinant Human Fibronectin Fragment 重組人纖維蛋白片段 | 2.5mg |
TAKARA | T100A | 0.5mg | |
TAKARA | T201 | RetroNectin® Recombinant Human Fibronectin Fragment 重組人纖維蛋白片段,GMP級 | 2.5 mg 凍干粉 |
品牌 | 貨號 | 產品描述 | 包裝 |
TAKARA | GT-T551 H3 | 淋巴細胞、DC細胞、NK細胞無血清培養基 | 1000 ml |
訂購RetroNectin歡迎您咨詢華雅再生醫學旗艦公司:紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司 。紅榮微再*代理TAKARA CellArtis ,Rubicon產品。紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司以“傳遞科學價值,服務科學研究”為宗旨,主營干細胞、精準醫療、細胞治療、器官再生四大板塊的產品。
RetroNectin是重組人纖維蛋白片段FN CH-296,包括細胞結合域,肝磷脂結合域和CS1位點三個功能區域。它由574個氨基酸組成,分子量63 kDa。RetroNectin能夠大幅地提高逆轉錄病毒感染哺乳動物細胞的感染效率,其作用原理是:細胞表面VLA-4及VLA-5可分別與RetroNectin上的CS-1位點及細胞結合域結合,逆轉錄病毒載體可以與肝磷脂結合域結合。在經RetroNectin包被的培養容器表面,細胞與病毒載體以高濃度共存,從而提高基因轉染效率。RetroNectin®重組人纖維蛋白片段和激發型CD3單抗可分別與T淋巴細胞上的VLA和TCR結合,兩者共同作用激活酪氨酸激酶pp125FAK,通過Ras途徑刺激T細胞的增殖和分化,使其獲得上千倍的增殖。
1. 注射用水或滅菌蒸餾水充分溶解RetroNectin,調節濃度至1mg/ml。
2. 0.22 μm濾膜過濾RetroNectin溶液,分裝后-20 ℃保存。
3. 用緩沖液將RetroNectin溶液稀釋至20~100 μg/ml。
4. 將RetroNectin稀釋液加入24孔板,每孔0.5 ml (建議用PBS緩沖液稀釋RetroNectin后包被Non-Tissue Cluture Treated plate。
5. 室溫放置4小時或4 ℃,避光,過夜。
6. 吸出RetroNectin溶液,每孔加入PBS終止液0.5 ml。
7. 室溫放置30分鐘。
8. 加入適量PBS清洗孔板。
9. 吸出清洗液,得到RetroNectin包被的孔板 (如果暫不使用,可以在孔中加入適量PBS,用膠膜將平板蓋密封,避免RetroNectin干燥,可于4 ℃保存4周。使用前將PBS吸出) 。
10. 逆轉錄病毒保存液 (-80 ℃) 于37 ℃水浴融解。
11. 將病毒液加入包被后的24孔板,每孔300 μl。
12. 32 ℃放置4小時。
13. 吸出病毒保存液。
14. 每孔加入待轉染的細胞懸液400 μl (通常細胞濃度為1 × 105/ml) 。
T-cell expansion protocol using RetroNectin reagent, GT-T551 T-cell medium, CultiLife bags, and anti-CD3 mAb.
1. RetroNectin和CD3單克隆抗體包被培養袋。
2. 同時,來自PBMC的T細胞用GT-T551培養基+IL-2+血漿培養。
3. 第4天,T細胞轉移到培養袋,繼續用GT-T551培養基+IL-2+血漿培養。
4. 第7天,添加更多GT-T551培養基+IL-2。
5. 第10天,分裝兩個培養袋,添加更多GT-T551培養基+IL-2。
PBMCs and autologous plasma were prepared using 50 ml of blood from two healthy volunteers with informed consent. PBMCs from each donor were split into two samples to test anti-CD3-antibody- and IL-2-induced expansion with or without RetroNectin reagent (RN). CultiLife 215 bags (CultiLife 215 Culture Bag, Cat. No. FU0005) were coated with either anti-CD3 antibody plus RN or anti-CD3 antibody alone in PBS for 2 hr, then rinsed three times with PBS. On Day 0, PBMCs were resuspended in 50 ml of GT-T551 medium supplemented with heat-inactivated plasma (0.6% final volume) and added to the coated CultiLife 215 bags. Additional GT-T551 medium supplemented with IL-2 and plasma was added to each CultiLife 215 bag to reach a final volume of 250 ml. The PBMCs were transferred to CultiLife Eva bags (GT-T610 [CultiLife Eva] Culture Bag, Cat. No. FU0010) on Day 4 and fresh GT-T551 medium (with IL-2 and 0.6% inactivated plasma) was added to bring the volume to 500 ml per bag. An additional 500 ml of medium supplemented with only IL-2 was added on Day 7. On Day 10, cells were split into two CultiLife Eva bags, with fresh medium and IL-2 added to bring the final volume of each bag to 1,000 ml. The cells were harvested on Day 14, the total number of T cells was counted, and the proportion of naïve (CD45RA+/CCR7+) T cells was determined by flow cytometry analysis.
1) Kimizuka F,et al.Production and characterization of functional domains of human
fibronectin expressed inEscherichia coli. J Biochem. (1991) 110: 284-291.
2) Hanenberg H, et al. Colocalization of retrovirus and target cells on specific fibronectin fragments increases genetic transduction of mammalian cells.Nat Med. (1996) 2: 876-882.
3) Hanenberg H, et al. Optimization of fibronectin-assisted retroviral gene transfer into human CD34+ hematopoietic cells.Hum Gene Ther. (1997) 8: 2193-2206.
4) Pollok KE,et al.High-efficiency gene transfer into normal and adenosine deaminase-deficient T lymphocytes is mediated by transduction on recombinant fibronectin fragments.J Virol. (1998) 72: 4882-4892.
5) Chono H, et al. Removal of inhibitory substance with recombinant fibronectin-CH-296 plates enhances the retroviral transduction efficiency of CD34+CD38- bone marrow cells.J Biochem. (2001) 130: 331-334.
6) Barbara Savoldo,et al.CD28 costimulation improves expansion and persistence of chimeric antigen receptor–modified T cells in lymphoma patients.J Clin Invest.( 2011) May 2; 121(5): 1822–1826.
[1]張慧穎. RetroNectin活化的細胞因子誘導的殺傷細胞治療晚期原發性肝癌的臨床研究[D].鄭州大學,2014.
[4]張興華. 剔除調節性T細胞增強RAK過繼免疫治療機制的研究[D].北京協和醫學院,2011.
[5]張興華,袁偉,趙晨,馬潔,趙平.R etronectin和CD3mAb聯合培養CD56~+細胞用于治療胰腺癌的研究[J].實用腫瘤雜志,2011,26(02):113-118.
[7]杜微麗. 纖維連接蛋白誘導的CIK細胞的生物學特性和殺瘤活性的實驗研究[D].中國醫科大學,2009.
[9]楊建民,Michael S Friedman,李嶠,James J Mule,Alfred E Chang,Kevin T McDonagh.轉染嵌合性T細胞受體基因小鼠T淋巴細胞的體外抗腫瘤作用[J].中國腫瘤生物治療雜志,2006(04):243-248.
Information: T-cell expansion by RetroNectin stimulation RetroNectin reagent has been widely used to enhance retroviral and lentiviral gene transfer into mammalian cells.
In addition, RetroNectin reagent enhances the proliferation of T lymphocytes. T cells are conventionally expanded in the presence of Interleukin-2 (IL-2) by stimulation with anti-CD3 antibody. The addition of RetroNectin in this stimulation step dramatically increases the efficiency of T cell expansion. In addition, T cells expanded with this method contain a high proportion of less-differentiated T cells (naive T cells). Naive T cells have the ability to differentiate into cytotoxic T cells in vivo.
[1] 張慧穎. RetroNectin活化的細胞因子誘導的殺傷細胞治療晚期原發性肝癌的臨床研究[D].鄭州大學,2014.
關鍵詞:晚期原發性肝癌; RetroNectin; CIK; 臨床研究;
[2] 任瑋,王志華.重組人纖維蛋白片段誘導CIK的增殖及對肺癌耐順鉑細胞的殺傷作用[J].生物工程學報,2008(08):1373-1380.
關鍵詞:細胞因子誘導的殺傷細胞; RetroNectin; 增殖; 肺癌細胞; 殺傷活性;
[3] 韓穎,于津浦,李慧,曹水,任寶柱,齊靜,安秀梅,張廼寧,任秀寶,郝希山.重組人纖維蛋白片段對CIK細胞增殖的影響及其可能機制研究[J].中國腫瘤臨床,2010,37(02):71-75.
關鍵詞:重組人纖維蛋白片段; CIK細胞; Vavl;
[4] 張興華. 剔除調節性T細胞增強RAK過繼免疫治療機制的研究[D].北京協和醫學院,2011.
關鍵詞:調節性T細胞; 過繼免疫治療; Retronectin;
[5] 張興華,袁偉,趙晨,馬潔,趙平.R etronectin和CD3mAb聯合培養CD56~+細胞用于治療胰腺癌的研究[J].實用腫瘤雜志,2011,26(02):113-118.
關鍵詞:胰腺腫瘤/治療; 殺傷細胞,天然; 免疫療法,過繼; 細胞,培養的; 重組融合蛋白質類; 單核細胞/免疫學;
[6] 尹健. 外周造血干細胞純化、體外擴增及多藥耐藥基因轉染的實驗研究[D].天津醫科大學,2003.
關鍵詞:外周造血干細胞; 純化; 擴增; 多藥耐藥基因;
[7] 楊建民,Michael S Friedman,李嶠,James J Mule,Alfred E Chang,Kevin T McDonagh.轉染嵌合性T細胞受體基因小鼠T淋巴細胞的體外抗腫瘤作用[J].中國腫瘤生物治療雜志,2006(04):243-248.
關鍵詞:嵌合性T細胞受體; 基因轉染; 免疫治療; 小鼠; T淋巴細胞;
品牌 | 貨號 | 產品描述 | 包裝 |
PeproTech/BioGems | 05121-25-500 | Anti-Human CD3 mAb (克隆號OKT3) | 500μg |
PeproTech/BioGems | 10311-25-500 | Anti-Human CD28 mAb(克隆號CD28.2) | 500μg |
GIBCO | 11131D | Dynabeads™ Human T-Activator CD3/CD28 磁珠 | 2 mL |
PeproTech | AF-200-02 | 重組人IL-2 (Animal Free) | 50ug/ 100ug |
PeproTech | AF-300-02 | 重組人IFN-γ(Animal Free) | 100ug |
更多TAKARA產品及免疫細胞治療產品華雅再生醫學旗艦公司:紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司 :1500 1904 520。紅榮微再-客服: 2395557778 經銷商專員
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