MVE CryoSystem 6000 Full Auto鋁制杜瓦瓶
MVE CryoSystem 6000全自動系列將鋁制液氮罐結構緊湊的特點和TEC300控制系統自動填充的功能*結合?;趬翰钤淼目刂剖沟么丝钜旱掭p松用于液相或氣相存儲,并實現頂部存儲溫度-190"C低溫。 TEC3000系統持續監控和記錄溫度、液氮液位,需要時 可自動填充液氮,并提供視覺/昕覺報警,還可實現遠程 連接。由于不需要人工對液氮罐進行填充,不僅提高了使用的安全系數,同時能夠在氣相存儲時維持穩定的溫 度水平。
MVE CryoSystem 6000 Full Auto鋁制杜瓦瓶產品特點:
The MVE CryoSystem 6000 Full Auto combines the compact efficiency of aluminum dewars with the monitoring and auto fill features of the TEC 3000 control system. The differential pressure-based level control allows this unit to easily be used for liquid or vapor storage with a -190°C top box temperature. The TEC3000 continually monitors and records temperature and LN2 levels, auto filling when needed, and providing audio/visual alarms with remote connectivity when necessary. The enhanced safety fac-tor of not having to manually fill this unit also helps maintain a consistent temperature profile for vapor storage.
The MVE CryoSystem 6000 Full Auto provides the convenience and security of high capacity stainless steel freezers for your average sized sample collection at a fraction of the price.
1.2&2.0mL凍存管數量 ( 100/盒 ):6000
液氮總容量 (L):175
靜態揮發量* (υd):4.0
罐頸直徑 (in. (mm ))8(203)
總高度 (in. (mm ) )37.9(963)
外部直徑 (in. (mm ) )26.5(673)
空罐重量 (Ib. ( kg ) )103(46.7)
加滿液氮重量 (Ib. ( kg ) )425(193)