當前位置:> 供求商機> IT-65-100—FabFc-ZAP human
FabFc-ZAP uses your primary human IgG antibody to target and eliminate cells that recognize your primary antibody. The secondary antibody used in the Fc-specific Fab-ZAP will react only with the Fc portion of the IgG heavy chain. The FabFc-ZAP products can be used in B-cell research with the confidence that cell death is primary antibody-mediated. When the in vitro results confirm the desired specificity, it is recommended that you order a custom conjugation of your antibody to saporin.
FabFc-ZAP human is a chemical conjugate of goat anti-human monovalent antibody and the ribosome-inactivating protein, saporin. It uses your human primary antibody to target and eliminate cells. This secondary conjugate is used to evaluate the potential of a primary antibody to internalize.