① 源頭采購:我司設有德國總部,所有貨物直接從歐洲廠家源頭采購,中間環節少;
② 拼單發貨:德國倉庫拼單發貨統一物流及清關,物流成本大幅節約;
③ 平臺優勢:我公司發展多年,德國分公司在歐洲境內具有一定影響力,相比一般貿易公司我司德國分公司與歐洲廠家的議價能力更強;
賀德克壓力傳感器中英文說明書Available versions: Standard; ATEX; Schiff & Offshore; with front-flush diaphragm可用版本:標準;ATEX;Schiff&Offshore;帶前沖洗隔膜
The pressure transducer series HDA 4400 is equipped with a pressure measurement cell with thin-film DMS on a stainless steel diaphragm. The 4 ... 20 mA or 0 ...10V output signals enable the connection to all measurement and control devices of HYDAC HDA4400系列壓力傳感器配備了一個壓力測量單元,在不銹鋼膜片上安裝了薄膜DMS。四。。。20毫安或0…10伏輸出信號可連接到HYDAC ELECTRONIC GmbH的所有測量和控制裝置,并可連接到商用評估系統(如SPS控制裝置)。前沖洗隔膜的變體是專門為使用介質可能導致標準壓力連接件堵塞、膠粘或凍結的應用而開發的。ELECTRONIC GmbH and the linkage to commercially available evaluation systems (e.g. SPS controls). The variant with the front-flush diaphragm was specially developed for applications in which the media used could lead to a blockage, gumming-up or freezing of a standard pressure connection.
The main areas of application are in the and industrial sectors of hydraulics and pneumatics, particularly in applications with constricted cavity. Further applications include processes where the medium changes frequently and any residues could cause mixing or contamination of the media.
Accuracy ±0.5% FS type.精度±0.5%FS型。
Measurement ranges: between 0 ... 16 and 0 ... 600 bar測量范圍:0到。。。16和0。。。600巴
Very robust sensor cell非常堅固的傳感器單元
Highly accurate temperatures高精度溫度
Excellent EMC characteristics優異的EMC特性
Very compact design非常緊湊的設計
Convincing price/benefit ratio令人信服的性價比
Optional with front-flush diaphragm選配前沖洗隔膜
Also available with ATEX of ship approval也可通過ATEX船舶認證
HDA 4100,HDA 4300,HDA 4400,HDA 4700,HDA 7400,HDA 8400,HDA 8700,HDA 7700,HDA 4800,HDA 9300,НРТ 1000
HYDAC 蓄能器 SBO210-2E1/112A9-210AK
HYDAC 傳感器 EDS3446-1-0250-000
HYDAC 傳感器 EDS346-2-250-000+ZBE06
HYDAC 傳感器 ETS1701-100-000+TFP100+S.S
HYDAC 傳感器 ETS328-5-100+ZBE08
HYDAC 傳感器 EDS3348-5-0016-000-F1+ZBE08
HYDAC 傳感器 ETS326-3-100-000
HYDAC 蓄能器 SB330-20A1/112A9-330A 330A 20L NBR
HYDAC 壓力傳感器 HDA4445-A-250-000
HYDAC 壓力傳感器 HDA4745-A-016-000
HYDAC 壓力傳感器 EDS344-3-100-000
HYDAC 傳感器 HDA7446-A-400-000
HYDAC 發訊器 VD5D.0/-L24
HYDAC 壓力傳感器 HDA4745-B-400-000
HYDAC 壓力傳感器 HDA4346-A-0010-000-F1