- 基本信息
- 型號:2-1001-00
- 分辨率:2-1001-00
- 品牌:thermo
- 測量精度:2-1001-00
- 貨號:2100100
- 加工定制:否
- 電源電壓:2-1001-00
- 規格:2100100
- 重量:2-1001-00
- 測量范圍:2-1001-00
- 外形尺寸:2-1001-00
貨號 | 單位規格 | 數量 |
2100100也被稱為 2-1001-00 | 1 column: 2.1 x 30 mm |
Applied Biosystems™ POROS™ Prepacked Protein A, Affinity Column. POROS™ Protein A is based on an immobilized recombinant Protein A functional group designed for high throughput purification of antibodies.
20 micron particle size is used for high resolution and small scale preparative to semi-preparative separation of biomolecules.
POROS™ High Performance Chromatography™ Media and Pre-Packed Columns
A high performance chromatography resins for analytical to process scale separations Higher productivity: High throughput and high dynamic capacity associated with High Performance Chromatography™
? Chemical stability: Allows aggressive cleaning and sanitization
? Enhanced biomolecule access: Provided via large pores, ranging between 500-10000 ?
? Polystyrenedivinylbenzene particles: Yield a robust, easily packable matrix
? Develop better separations methods in a shorter time frame: The speed of High Performance Chromatography technology reduces weeks of experimentation to only a few hours of work, so you have plenty of time to explore all the variables of your separation
Reduce time-consuming sample prep
You can replace many sample preparation steps with high speed High Performance Chromatography technology. For instance, dialysis of large volumes of material can be replaced by high flow rate processing of the dilute sample. Elution in a small volume of new buffer accomplishes both buffer exchange and concentration.