TX905溫度變送器 美國omega
TX905溫度變送器 美國omega
Field Rangeable Miniature 2-Wire Transmitters, Isolated Models Available
TX901, TX903, TX904 and TX905
2 Wire Transmitters
Thermocouple, RTD and Millivolt Input Models
Compact Size, Only 3/4" High (Non-Isolated) and 1.15" High (Isolated) Including Barrier Strip
4-20 mA Output
±0.1% FS Accuracy
TX903 Isolated Model (Other Models Non-Isolated)
Mounts in Protection Head
TX900 Series transmitters feature dip switch selection of input type and range. The following models are available: TX901 (non-isolated, accepts J, K,T, E, R or S thermocouples); TX903 (isolated, accepts J, K, T, E, R or S thermocouples; TX904 (non-isolated, accepts 100 ohm Pt RTD’s 2- or 3- wire); TX905 (non-isolated, millivolt input).
For complete product specifications see the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.
注釋: Thermocouple or RTD input simulation required to scale output for a particular range. To order unit scaled by OMEGA specify input type, low end of range, high end of range and °F or °C. Specify: TX-SCALED, $45.
TX901 J, K, T, E, R, S thermocouple input, non-isolated
TX903 J, K, T, E, R, S thermocouple input, isolated
TX904-1 100 ohm Pt RTD input (a = 0.00385), non-isolated Range: -150°C to 500°C (-238 to 932°F)
TX904-2 100 ohm Pt RTD input (a = 0.00385), non-isolated Range: 300°C to 1000°C (572 to 1832°F)
TX905 Millivolt input, non-isolated
PRTX904-1 PR-12 RTD probe, 12" L, 1/4" OD, 304 SS sheath, with TX904-1 transmitter, Range -150°C to 500°C
PRTX904-2 PR-12 RTD probe, 12" L, 1/4" OD, 304 SS sheath, with TX904-2 transmitter, Range 300°C to 1000°C
NB1TX901-(*) NB1 thermocouple probe 12 inch L 1/4 inch OD ungrounded junction 304 SS sheath with TX901 non-isolated transmitter * Place the thermocouple type (J,K,T,E,R or S) in theSpecial Instructionsfield in the last step of the Ordering Process
NB1TX903-(*) NB1 thermocouple probe 12 inch L 1/4 inch OD ungrounded junction 304 SS sheath with TX903 isolated transmitter * Place the thermocouple type (J,K,T,E,R or S) in theSpecial Instructionsfield in the last step of the Ordering Process
TX-SCALED Scaling charge
TX905溫度變送器 美國omega
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