、型號及名稱 Type and designation
型 號 Type | 名 稱 designation |
KC-G-VVP | 聚氯乙烯絕緣和護套一般用普通級K分度號用補償型補償屏蔽線纜 PVC insulated and sheathed general application general grade compensated type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
ZR135-KC-Gs-VVRP | 阻燃135℃聚氯乙烯絕緣和護套一般用精密級K分度號用補償型軟補償屏蔽線纜 Flame retardant 135℃ PVC insulated and sheathed general application precision grade compensated type flexible compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
KC-Hs-FF46P | 氟塑料絕緣和護套高溫用精密級K分度號用補償型補償屏蔽線纜 Fluoroplastic insulated and sheathed high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
KC-Hs-FVP | 氟塑料絕緣聚氯乙烯(105℃、135℃)護套耐熱用精密級K分度號用補償型補償屏蔽導線 Fluoroplastic insulated and PVC (105℃、135℃) sheathed high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
KC- Hs -FGP | 氟塑料絕緣硅橡膠護套高溫用精密級K分度號用補償型補償屏蔽線纜 Fluoroplastic insulated silicone rubber sheathed high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
KC- Hs -GGP | 硅橡膠絕緣和護套高溫用精密級K分度號用補償型補償屏蔽導線 Silicone rubber insulated and sheathed high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
ZR135-KC-Hs-YFP2VP | 氟塑料絕緣對絞式銅帶分屏阻燃135℃聚氯乙烯護套銅絲編織總屏耐熱用精密級K分度號補償型補償電纜 Fluoroplastic insulated twisted pair copper tape shield individually copper wire braided shield collectively flame retardant 135℃ PVC sheathed high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating wire and cable adapting index K |
IA-KC-Hs-YFP2V22P | 氟塑料絕緣對絞式銅帶分屏聚氯乙烯(105℃、135℃)護套銅絲編織總屏鋼帶鎧裝本安用耐熱精密級K分度號用補償型補償電纜 Fluoroplastic insulated twisted pair copper tape shield individually copper wire braided shield collectively steel tape armored PVC(105℃、135℃) sheathed intrinsically safe application high temperature precision grade compensated type compensating wire and cable adapting index K |
KX-G-VVP | 聚氯乙烯絕緣和護套一般用普通級K分度號用延長型補償線纜 PVC insulated and sheathed general application general grade extension type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
ZR135-KX-Gs-VVRP | 阻燃135℃聚氯乙烯絕緣和護套一般用精密級K分度號用延長型軟補償屏蔽線纜 Flame retardant 135℃ PVC insulated and sheathed general application precision grade extension type flexible compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
KX-Hs-FF46P | 氟塑料絕緣和護套高溫用精密級K分度號用延長型補償屏蔽線纜 Fluoroplastic insulated and sheathed high temperature application precision grade extension type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
KX-Hs-FGP | 氟塑料絕緣硅橡膠護套高溫用精密級K分度號用延長型補償屏蔽型線纜 Fluoroplastic insulated silicone rubber sheathed high temperature application precision grade extension type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
KX-Hs-FVP | 氟塑料絕緣聚氯乙烯(105℃、135℃)護套耐熱用精密級K分度號用延長型補償屏蔽線纜 Fluoroplastic insulated and PVC (105℃、135℃) sheathed high temperature application precision grade extension type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
KX-Hs-GGP | 硅橡膠絕緣和護套高溫用精密級K分度號用延長型補償屏蔽線纜 Silicone rubber insulated and sheathed high temperature application precision grade extension type compensating shield wire and cable adapting index K |
KX-Hs-FH4BFB | 550℃級耐火型高溫精密級K分度號用延長型補償導線 550℃ fire-proof high temperature application precision grade extension type compensating conductor adapting index K |
KC-Hs-FH4BFB | 550℃級耐火型高溫精密級K分度號用補償型補償導線 550℃ fire-proof high temperature application precision grade compensated type compensating conductor adapting index K |
IA-KX-Hs-YFP2V22P | 氟塑料絕緣對絞式銅帶分屏聚氯乙烯(105℃、135℃)護套銅絲編織總屏鋼帶鎧裝本安用耐熱精密級K分度號用延長型補償電纜 Fluoroplastic insulated twisted pair copper tape shield individually copper wire braided shield collectively steel tape armored PVC(105℃、135℃) sheathed intrinsically safe application high temperature precision grade extension type compensating wire and cable adapting index K |
Note: the type of the other compensating wire and cable only change index K into S, R, N, E, J, T.
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