小鼠黃體生成素(LH)ELISA試劑盒實驗原理:用于測定小鼠血清,血漿及相關液體樣本中黃體生成素(LH)含量。應用雙抗體夾心法測定標本中小鼠黃體生成素(LH)水平。用純化的小鼠黃體生成素(LH)抗體包被微孔板,制成固相抗體,往包被單抗的微孔中依次加入黃體生成素(LH),再與HRP 標記的黃體生成素(LH)抗體結合,形成抗體-抗原-酶標抗體復合物,經過*洗滌后加底物TMB 顯色。TMB 在HRP 酶的催化下轉化成藍色,并在酸的作用下轉化成zui終的黃色。顏色的深淺和樣品中的黃體生成素(LH)呈正相關。用酶標儀在450nm 波長下測定吸光度(OD 值),通過標準曲線計算樣品中小鼠黃體生成素(LH)濃度。
Mouse luteinizing hormone(LH)ELISA Kit
Principle of the assay:
This kit allows for the determination of LH concentrations in Mouse serum, blood plasma,and other biological fluids.Assay Mouse LH level in the sample,use Purified Mouse LH antibody to coat microtiter plate wells, make solid-phase antibody, then add LH to wells, Combined LH which With HRP labeled , become antibody - antigen - enzyme-antibody complex, after washing Compley, Add TMB substrate solution,TMB substrate becomes blue color At HRP enzyme-catalyzed, reaction is terminated by the addition of a sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450 nm. The concentration of LH in the samples is then determined by comparing the O.D. of the samples to
the standard curve.
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