采用創(chuàng)傷后應激障礙的小鼠模型中,我們通過恐嚇暴露于應激后調查了心臟組織的縱向轉錄變化。我們的研究結果表明與創(chuàng)傷經歷有關的急性心臟損傷,體現了免疫反應,細胞外基質重塑,上皮細胞- 間質細胞轉換和細胞增殖的潛在的生物學損傷過程。但這種類型的損傷對心臟功能的任何長期影響仍有待確定。
Molecular evidence of stress-induced acute heart injury in a mouse model simulating posttraumatic stress disorder
Ji-Hoon Cho,Inyoul Lee,Rasha Hammamieh,Kai Wang,David Baxter,Kelsey Scherler,Alton Etheridge,Alena Kulchenko,Aarti Gautam,Seid Muhie,Nabarun Chakraborty,David J. Galas,Marti Jett and Leroy Hood
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common condition induced by life-threatening stress, such as that experienced by soldiers under battlefield conditions. Other than the commonly recognized behavioral and psychological dysfunction, epidemiological studies have also revealed that PTSD patients have a higher risk of other diseases, such as cardiovascular disorders. Using a PTSD mouse model, we investigated the longitudinal transcriptomic changes in heart tissues after the exposure to stress through intimidation. Our results revealed acute heart injury associated with the traumatic experience, reflecting the underlying biological injury processes of the immune response, extracellular matrix remodeling, epithelial-to-mesenchymal cell transitions, and cell proliferation. Whether this type of injury has any long-term effects on heart function is yet to be determined. The differing responses to stress leading to acute heart injury in different inbred strains of mice also suggest that this response has a genetic as well as an environmental component. Accordingly, the results from this study suggest a molecular basis for the observed higher risk of cardiovascular disorders in PTSD patients, which raises the likelihood of cardiac dysfunction induced by long-term stress exposures.
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