Peptides International為世界各大學、研究機構和制藥/生物科技公司的研究生產銷售生物化學產品包括:氨基酸、生物活性多肽、碳水化合物和偶聯物、組合化學&輔助試劑、酶抑制劑、酶底物、多肽抗血清、試劑、樹脂、肽庫、dPEGTM、樹脂&試劑。 Peptides International manufactures and distributes a wide variety of high purity, biologically active peptides and peptide-related products that are used in major research institutions throughout the world. We are passionate about purity and demand excellence throughout our ever-growing line of products and services. We invite you to explore our website and allow us to help you in meeting all of your peptide-related needs. |
產品相關關鍵字: pepnet Peptides International |
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