Active Avoidance / Passive Avoidance TSE主動/被動回避The TSE Active Avoidance system is a fully computerized avoidance conditioning system. A variety of compartment dividers incl. electrified hurdles are available. Light-beam frames with variable distances for several species monitor the animal's movements and location. TSE主動/被動回避系統是一個全計算機化的回避條件系統。可選各種分隔欄包括電擊欄。可變距離的光束框架用于各種物種,監測動物的移動和位置 A user-friendly Windows software allows to measure several parameters including habituation, time to shock, shock length, maximum duration and inter-stimulus interval and shock parameters. The resulting data table lists for example conditioned, unconditioned and inter-stimulus transfers and mean reaction times. Distance traveled is presented as a measure of locomotor activity 用戶友好的Windows軟件運行測量多個參數,包括習慣,電擊時間,電擊長度,zui長刺激間隔和電擊參數。結果數據表格列出了條件的,無條件的和刺激間轉移和平均反應時間。總旅行距離作為運動能力活動的評估 The Active Avoidance paradigm is also an integral part of the highly flexible Multi Conditioning System 主動回避范例也是高度靈活的多條件系統的一個組成部分 • Simultaneous operation of up to 4 test boxes 同時操作zui多四個測試籠 • Rat-only, mouse-only and combination systems 大鼠用,小鼠用以及組合系統 • Software-controlled light, shock, tactile (air puff) and auditory stimuli (sine sound up to 20 kHz) 軟件控制的光,電擊,觸覺(吹氣)和聽覺刺激(正弦聲音zui高20kHz) • Light-beam frames with variable distances 可變距離的光束框架 • Optional application of WAV files for acoustic discrimination 可選的應用WAV文件用于聲覺辨識 • Optional extension for Learned Helplessness testing 可選的擴展為習得無助測試 • Optional Passive Avoidance conversion set 可選被動回避的轉換設備 Flexible avoidance system 靈活的回避系統