Y-Maze This working memory test is based on spontaneous exploration and alternation between arms – neither training nor food restriction are required. Three identical arms are mounted symmetrically on an equilateral triangular center. 這種工作記憶測試是基于自發的探索和交替----無需訓練,也沒有食物限制。 三個相同的迷宮臂對稱的安裝在一個等邊三角形中心上。 Rat or mice TSE Y-Mazes can be used in combination with the video tracking syste TSE VideoMot2 that offers a dedicated analysis protocol. TSE Y型迷宮用于小鼠或大鼠,可結合視頻跟蹤系統TSE VideoMot2 使用,后者提供一個專業的分析協議。 Fully computerized systems equipped with infrared location sensors at the arm entrances which can be operated regardless of the ambient light level are also available. Data collection and analysis is done with the easy-to-use Y-Maze Windows software. 也可以選擇全電腦化的系統,在迷宮臂入口配備紅外定位傳感器,可以無視照明條件運行。 數據收集和分析工作通過易于使用的Y型迷宮Windows軟件進行。 • Quick and easy working-memory test in an unbiased maze 在一個無偏見的迷宮中快速容易的工作記憶測試 • Three identical arms are mounted symmetrically on an equilateral triangular center 三個相同的迷宮臂對稱的裝在一個等邊三角形中心 • Y-Mazes for video tracking for mice or rats Y型迷宮用于小鼠或大鼠的視頻跟蹤 • Fully automated systems for mice or rats 全自動化系統用于小鼠或大鼠 • Optional aluminum base 可選鋁制基底 Y-mazes are symmetrical and available in different colors Y迷宮是對稱的,可選各種顏色
T-Maze Systems Our fully automated T-Maze systems for mice and rats can be used to assess working memory in spontaneous, rewarded or delayed alternation tasks and can be modified for acoustic discrimination tasks. 我們*自動化的T -迷宮系統用于小鼠和大鼠,在自發的,獎勵的或延遲交替任務中評估工作記憶,也可以改造用于聲學辨別任務。 Each T-Maze consists of two choice arms and one start arm mounted at a square center – a start compartment is optional. Both choice arms are equipped with food cups with integrated infrared sensors – software-controlled pellet dispensers are available as an option. Manual doors are included – automatic doors are available on request. The T-Maze software package provides predefined standard paradigms. Choice accuracy is presented in a results table together with time-based parameters such as response latency. 每件T -迷宮臂包含兩個選擇迷宮臂和一個起始迷宮臂,安裝在一個正方形中心----一個開始隔間是可選的。 兩個選擇臂配備有紅外傳感器集成的食品杯-可選的軟件控制食丸配發器。包括手動門-可選自動門。 T -迷宮軟件包提供了預定義的標準范例。 選擇的準確性在一個結果表格里列出,附帶基于時間的參數,如反應潛伏期 The T-Maze is also available as a non-automated system for use in combination with the video tracking system TSE VideoMot2. T -迷宮也可作為一個非自動化系統與視頻追蹤系統TSEVideoMot2組合使用 • Infrared sensor combinations monitor entries into compartments 紅外傳感器組合監測進入隔間的行為 • Food reinforcement – infrared sensors monitor food removal 食物強化—紅外傳感器監測食物搬遷 • Modular wall design – easy exchange of wall material & color 模塊化墻設計----墻體材料和顏色易于更換 • System configurations for acoustical discrimination available (WAV files) 可選用于聽覺辨別的系統配置(WAV文件) The T-maze is an asymmetrical system with a defined start point and a choice of two end points T迷宮是一個不對稱的系統,附帶一個預訂的起始點和一個兩個末端的選擇。
Radial Maze (8-Arm Maze) 放射迷宮(八臂迷宮) The TSE Radial Mazes are compley computerized systems used to investigate hippocampus-dependent learning and memory performance. In the usual task food is available at the end of each arm or in selected arms only. The animal has to learn to visit each arm without going back to an already-visited empty arm or entering an arm that has never been baited. Learning and memory impairments will influence the performance in subsequent retention tests. TSE放射迷宮是*電腦化的系統,用于研究依賴海馬體的學習和記憶性能。 在通常的任務中食物存在于每個選擇臂或選定的迷宮臂中。動物必須學會訪問每個迷宮臂而不回到一個已經訪問了的空臂或進入從未放誘餌的臂。 學習和記憶障礙會影響隨后保留測試中的表現。 In the Radial Maze software a variety of control parameters can be defined including the start position, termination criterion, feeding pattern, or whether the animal is to be confined in the center to prevent perseverative behavior (only if automatic doors are present). The number of correct choices, i.e. first entries into baited arms, as well as performance errors are calculated. The maze can also be run with non-baited arms or using the continuous refilling option to monitor the locomotion pattern in the maze. 在放射迷宮軟件中可以定義各種控制參數,包括起始位置,終止標準,給食方式,或者動物是否被限制于在中心,以防止固著行為(僅當有自動門時)。計算得到正確選擇的次數,例如*進入誘餌臂,以及表現錯誤。 迷宮也可以不使用誘餌的迷宮臂運行或者使用持續再填選項以監測迷宮中運動模式。 The TSE Radial Maze is also available as a non-automated system for use in the TSE VideoMot2 system. TSE放射迷宮,也可作為一個非自動化系統用在 TSEVideoMot2系統中。 • Evaluation of spatial learning & memory performance in mice & rats 評價小鼠和大鼠空間學習與記憶的表現 • Working & reference memory can be tested in one task 在一個測試任務可以測試工作及參考記憶 • Infrared sensors monitor transfers between compartments and food removal from food containers 紅外傳感器監視隔間之間的轉移和從食物容器中搬遷食物 • Optional automatic pellet feeders & motorized doors 可選自動食丸配發器及機動門 • Optional acrylic wall material & low wall height configurations to facilitate visibility of extra-maze cues 可選丙烯酸墻體材料及矮墻配置,以促進迷宮外視覺線索 Radial mazes can be automated by video analysis or light beam systems 放射迷宮可以通過視頻分析或光束系統成為自動化系統。
Barnes Maze 巴恩斯迷宮 The TSE Barnes Maze can be used in combination with the video tracking systems TSE VideoMot2 to investigate spatial learning & memory in rodents without stress of swimming (Water Maze) or of food deprivation (8-Arm-Radial Maze). The animal is placed in the center of the maze and learns the spatial location of an escape tunnel often connected to the home cage (positive reinforcement) by using extra-maze cues. TSE巴恩斯迷宮用于嚙齒類,此設備用于研究空間學習和記憶,與視頻追蹤系統TSE VideoMot2組合使用,沒有強制游泳(水迷宮)或食物剝奪(八臂迷宮)。動物被放置在迷宮中心,并且學習一個連接居住籠的逃離隧道的空間位置(正強化),通過使用迷宮外部線索。 The Barnes Maze is available for rats and mice with variable sizes containing different number of holes. The VideoMot2 system tracks and analyzes the movement pattern of animals allowing the visualization of different search strategies. Total distance moved and average speed are calculated as well. 巴恩斯迷宮有兩種標準尺寸用于大鼠和小鼠,具有不同的孔數。VideoMot2系統跟蹤并分析動物的運動模式,從而一眼就可看出動物的搜索策略。 移動總距離,平均速度也被計算. • Test of spatial learning & memory in a "dry" environment 在一個“干”的環境中測試空間學習與記憶 • Select between large (40 holes) and small (20 holes) configuration 可選擇大型(40洞)和小型(20洞)的配置 • Choice of colors in order to fulfill the contrast requirement of the video tracking system 顏色的選擇,以滿足視頻跟蹤系統的對比度要求 • Includes start box and escape tunnel 包括起始箱和逃生隧道 The Barnes maze is considered an alternative to swimming tests or 8-arm mazes 巴恩斯迷宮被認為是一個游泳測試或八臂迷宮的替代品。
Elevated Plus Maze 高架十字迷宮 The Elevated Plus Maze test is a widely used model for testing anxiety based on the natural aversion of rodents to explore elevated and open spaces. Four arms are arranged in the shape of a cross – two arms have surrounding walls, the other arms have no walls. 高架十字迷宮試驗是廣泛使用的一個模型,用于測試小型嚙齒類的焦慮,基于其自然厭惡高度和空場的天性。四個迷宮臂都被排列為一個十字架的形狀----兩臂有圍墻,其他臂都沒有墻壁。 TSE Elevated Plus Mazes can be used in combination with the video tracking system TSE VideoMot2 that offers a dedicated analysis protocol for this paradigm. TSE Elevated Plus Mazes are also available as fully computerized systems with infrared sensors at each arm entrance. TSE高架十字迷宮可結合視頻跟蹤系統TSE VideoMot2使用,后者提供一個專業的分析協議用于此范例。也可作為全電腦化系統,在迷宮臂入口配備紅外定位傳感器。 • Rat or mouse mazes made of a variety of materials and colors available 大鼠或小鼠迷宮,可選各種顏色和材料 • Removable closed arm walls available for easy cleaning 封閉迷宮臂墻可移除,便于清洗 • Fully automated system or maze suited for videotracking available 可選全自動化系統或迷宮用于視頻追蹤 • Both versions contain easy-to-use Windows software to analyze a variety of basic or sophisticated parameters 兩種版本都包含易于使用的Windows軟件,用于分析各種基礎或復雜的參數 • Measures anxiety, exploration behavior 測量焦慮,探索行為 A plus maze with open and walled arms on a support frame 在一個支架上的十字迷宮,具有開放的和封閉的迷宮壁。
Elevated Zero Maze 高架零形迷宮 The Elevated Zero Maze is a modification of the classic Elevated Plus Maze model for the evaluation of anxiety like behavior in rodents. The two elevated closed or open runways without a center position prevent any ambiguity in interpretation of the time spent in the different fields. 高架零迷宮是對高架十字迷宮模型的一個修改,用于評價嚙齒類焦慮樣行為。 兩個封閉和兩個開放的同樣大小的跑道(象限),沒有一個中心,避免了任何含糊的中心位置時間。 TSE Elevated Zero Mazes can be used in combination with the video tracking system TSE VideoMot2 or as a fully automated system with infrared sensors. TSE高架零迷宮可以與視頻追蹤系統TSE VideoMot2組合使用,或者作為附帶紅外傳感器的全自動系統 • Rat or mouse mazes made of a variety of materials and colors available 大鼠或小鼠迷宮,可選各種顏色和材料 • 2 closed and 2 open runways – no center 2封閉和2開放跑道 - 無中心部位 • The maze top is fastened to a lightweight support frame and can be easily removed for cleaning 迷宮頂端是固定在一個輕量級的支架上,可以很容易拆卸清洗 • Fully automated system for video tracking available 可選全自動化系統用于視頻追蹤 • Both versions contain easy-to-use Windows software to analyze a variety of basic or sophisticated parameters 兩種版本都包含易于使用的Windows軟件,用于分析各種基礎或復雜的參數 • Measuring anxiety, exploration 測量焦慮,探索行為 A circular maze system on a tripod support frame 三角支架上的環形迷宮系統