Main features and benefits of the PolyPlex
a) The PolyPlex was the first commercial 96-well plate format oligo synthesizer.
b) It has a compact footprint.
c) The PolyPlex generates 20-mer oligos in less than 3 hours.
d) The polyPlex has a coupling efficiency of >99%.
e) The cost per oligo is less than $0.10 per base - based on list price reagents.
f) The PolyPlex can accommodate scale of synthesis up to 200 nmol in plates / umol using colummns.
g) The PolyPlex has up to 8 Amidite positions.
h) The PolyPlex has industry standard bottle mounts.
i) Low Argon consumption - the PolyPlex can run up to 24 hours continuously per tank of Argon.
j) The PolyPlex can perform the simultaneous synthesis of 96 different Oligos.
k) The software offers simple protocol editing.
l) Robust automation and complete control allows for unattended overnight runs.
m) The Trityl is monitored at any cycle throughout the process.
n) Instant Run analysis yields volume use and cost estimation.
o) Multi-Level user access - Editor, High Level, Basic Level
p) The cycle times are below 9 minutes per base.