主營產品: PHD氣缸上海代理商,(PHD傳感器|LENZE變頻器)上?,F貨,(倫茨變頻器|巴士德開關)德國進口 |
主營產品: PHD氣缸上海代理商,(PHD傳感器|LENZE變頻器)上?,F貨,(倫茨變頻器|巴士德開關)德國進口 |
參考價 | ¥ 14 |
訂貨量 | 1 |
更新時間:2024-07-15 15:50:09瀏覽次數:1204
*ASCO電磁閥:ASCO旗下擁有眾多品牌:等都是ASCO的成員,其中ASCO/RED HAT,SIRAI品牌包括通用型產品及部分適用于特殊工礦的產品,可控制普通介質。 ASCO is the worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of quality fluid control products such as, RedHat solenoid valves, miniature valves, fuel gas and oil products, and redundant control systems.
ASCO 成立于 1888 年,經過一個多世紀。 ASCO 已被 ISO9000 認證,成為流體控制應用系統的*。產品包括ASCO 紅帽電磁閥、ASCO General Control 燃燒控制電磁閥、 ASCO / Joucomatic 氣動控制閥、 ASCO TRI-POINT- 壓力和溫度開關等等。 ASCO 生產超過 3000 多種不同的標準電磁閥和 20000 多種非標準型號,在工商業界應用廣泛。主要包括:控 制空氣、水、輕油、惰性氣體、燃油、汽油、蒸汽、真空、超低溫、高頻率操作、液化氣、除塵、腐蝕性介質等。ASCO Valve’s extensive line of products include RedHat solenoid valves, RedHat Next Generation electronically enhanced solenoid valves, miniature valves, process valve automation, pneumatic & air preparation equipment, fuel, gas & oil products, ATEX approved pilot valves, sensors & pressure/temperature switches, proportional control valves, navy/marine solenoid & air operated valves, and nuclear products. In addition, ASCO customers can design a product to fit their specific needs with our product configurators for the Redundant Control System, Condensate Drain Valve, and the 8290 Actuated Globe Valve product lines.ASCO products are designed to control the flow of air, gas, water, oil and steam. Our heritage of innovation has resulted in an extensive line of ASCO products that range from two position on/off valves to entire flow control solutions designed to meet requirements of thousands of customers. Whether you need a minor modification of a core product or a complete flow control solution, we can help.*ASCO電磁閥
ASCO 電磁閥有以下類別:普通型、防爆型、手動復位、本安型、滑動型、長壽型、和氣控閥等等。
操作型式:常閉型、常開型、和通用型的 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 通電磁閥。
尺寸規格: 1/8" ~ 6" 。
輸首*首*首*首*首*首先進入電壓等級: 110VDC 、 220VAC/50Hz 、 120VDC 、 240VAC/60Hz 、 24VDC ,也可根據用戶的要求提供其他電壓。
ASCO Valve, Inc. is committed to worldwide leadership in valves and valve system technology. *ASCO電磁閥,美國ASCO JOUCOMATIC公司是世界500強之一的美國艾默生集團成員,是一家主要生產和銷售流體控制閥以及氣動控制元件的跨國公司,具有100多年的生產技術經驗,在擁有超過30家工廠,為客戶提供超過23,000的流體控制產品。